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a freind and a problem...cant figure this guy out


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OK this will be a little long but i have had a friend for a few years now and he and i have always been really friendly, hugging and kissing on the cheek. i had a HUGE crush on this guy for a VERY long time. and still do kinda but have gotten over it and now more than ever we are friends. but now he has the awesome girl that hes compleatly into. and hes been really flirty recently. and i kow that hes compleatly in love with his girlfriend. but he put his arm around me and held my had(im not going say no) and kissed me on the cheek and all. no problem.


I cannot decide because he has always been flirty guy but i cant tell if hes sending signals or not.


BUt heres where the really weird part comes in. Two nights ago i hung out with him and when i left i hugged him and kissed him on a cheekand i went out of town for the weekend and was sapposed to see him when i got back. and he calls and asked if he could talk to me. so i was like ok. and he said that when i kissed him on the cheek it felt not natuaral and that he wasnted to know if i liked him. ofcouse i said i thought we were friend that were cool with that. and he said yes we are. but it felt "different" and i was like your over reacting.


now i feel weird. and havent talked to him or ansered his calls for the past few days. i just dont know what to do. PLEASE help me.. i dont know what do. i cant tell if hes into me. or what


THAnks you all


if you have any questions let me know

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The way i see it, theres two ways to go about this.

a) assume hes just a flirty guy and stick to the story that hes just overreacting.

b) assume that there may be more than just friendship. and let him know that it felt different because there was a different emotion behind it. i.e. more than just friendship.

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The best thing, as in most cases, is to have an intellectual convo with him and ask him how he feels, regarless of how scared you are to do so. Do you really believe we (enotaloners) will be able to help you get up the courage to confront him and help you talk to him? Probably not, it's up to you.

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thanks for the help. the way he put the unnatural. it made it seem like he was weirded out.


hes out of town till next week so i have a bit to thin about. i think i do need to have a talk. but i mean he really is into this girl and i dont want to lead myself on to think theres somthing there causae he wont leave this girl i dont think.


and back a few monthes ago he said he really liked me as a friend to a friend of mine.

one day i was feeling down and complaining about being unnatractive broke up with boyfriend stuff hand he said i was attractive and whatnot. i just dont know that to think really.


if i talk to him and he says he dosent like me that way what should i do. i dont what to mess up our friendship.

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