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help please..... really need it

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ok so heres the deal.... my best friend and i went out to the mall Saturday. she slipped off with this guy and and left me with our other friend..... i didnt know till Sunday what really happened..... she said they went off to his boat and well they ended up having sex..... she wasnt planing on that. she didnt want to (as she has explained to me) but by the time she realized what she was getting herself into, it was too late.


now, i never expected her to open up to me this much, but im the only person she can trust with this kind of information right now. i really want to help her but im not sure what to do...


they didnt use a condom (which is what's really worrying her right now) and well this may sound weird but she had a tampon in and well we're hoping that will decrease her chances of getting pregnant... she is really really worried about this. we tried to get my bf and his best friend to go out and get the morning after pill for her.... but he cant leave his house now, and its just a really bad situation..... what r her chances of actually getting pregnant and is there anything i can tell her to help make here feel a little bit better? becuase she cant let anyone know about this, the only time shes actually allowed to show her emotions is around me when its just us 2.... i really want to help her. any ideas how i can??

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Having sex with a tampon in???? First off that had to either be way uncomfortable, or else it came out at some point, cause there is no way you can tell me it worked with it in. No a tampon is not like a sponge and will not soak up sperm. No morning after pill but if she was on her period highly unlikely she is pregnant. Best advice now is just wait it out.

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Just because she is on her period doesn't mean that she won't get pregnant. But you are right I would just wait it out and see what happens. There's not much you can do right now, unless you can get the moring after pill, but I believe(and I'm not sure) that the pill only is effecitve upto 48-72 hours after the encounter.

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How the heck did she do it with a tampon in without some major pressure and pain on her cervix? Something is fishy about this unless he only went an inch in her maybe but anyway.....a tampon is NOT birth control. Yes she can still get pregnant even if she is on her period. A womens menstrual cycle is not always going to be the same month to month and sometimes an egg can get released earlier (and sperm can live for days in the fallopian tubes hanging out and waiting for an egg). It is even more sporadic when you are young and still developing.


This was risky of course as you know. If she does not get a period next month she should get tested, but IN ANY CASE she should get tested fot STD's now.


And by the way it is never "too late" to say no...and it does not take that long to figure out "what is going on". Sorry to sound harsh on that aspect, but generally you can figure out if you are going to have sex or not, or are having sex, or if you want to or not....yoou know

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont get the concept of having sex with a tampon in.... I also can't imagine how uncomfortable that would be!

But a tampon is not a birth control method...

Wait it out and see what happens.

She can't talk to hre parents about the situation either?

And just be there as a friend for her, that's probably what she needs most...

Maybe buy her a prego test!

Hope everything works out!

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  • 2 weeks later...

She could definitely be pregnant even though she had a tampon in.


in fact, wouldnt a tampon absorb the semen? and thereforeeee increase her chances of becoming pregnant??


I know it is possible to have sex w/ a tampon in, and it isnt extremely uncomfortable, but I think it was a little irresponsible of her to just run off with some random guy...

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