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Deaf girl at work.

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Just the other day there was this new girl at my work. Someone said to me, "hey did you see the new hot chick?" I said no, but I made sure I did. I saw her and was like wow! Well I found out she was deaf, but my opinion of her did not change at all. I never knew I would think like that. I thought she was like 17, 18, maybe 19. But today I found out she is over 21! I was planning on talking to her, she can read lips, but for some reason, when I found out she was 21 I got a bit pissed. I'm only 18. I don't know how to put it, but it seems as if she is almost out of my age range to even talk to. Any one else know what I am saying? I know what I want to say, but I can't get the exact words out of my head right now for some reason.

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I'm not putting up a barrier at all....Just was a bit disappointed tha she is so much older than me. Thats what I ment. Shes older than 21, not sure what age exactly but since I'm only 18, so there is an age difference. I'd love to go and talk to her. I just don't know how I could. I'm was also a bit disappointed when I saw our schedule for next week, I will not work with her at all. She works durrig the day, and I work durring the evening.

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I'm not being all down about it, but like my second post on the first page, I will not see her at all next week. A relationship would be great, but I don't know her, but if that did not work, having another friend never hurts.

*EDIT* Yea, I swear I hit the Gen advise forum, but this ended up in the dating one some how. I don't really want to date her, yet, I guess. Just wanted some advise on what ever. So far its all helped, thanks keep it coming please!!!

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I'm not being all down about it, but like my second post on the first page, I will not see her at all next week.


"ask her to lunch. either on her lunch hour (when youre both free) or on a weekend. dont be so pessimistic."


read some of the advice posted....go to see her when you know shes working & ask her out.



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Not sure if I said it, but she can read lips too. Not sure how well, but she can. BTW, I'm not the tpye that will just go and ask some one out. She saw me like once at work, and if I just droped by in street clothes and said, will you go out with me, I think she'd be a bit taken away. I don't even know her! I see it this way, how many other people are going to talk to her? None, so if I say anything anytime soon, I'll have the major upper hand.

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I see it this way, how many other people are going to talk to her? None,....


what the hell makes you think that?? not everyone gets turned off b/c of a disability. youre proof of that! im sure she'll get people who are interested in her enough to approach her.



What makes me think that? The people I work with, thats what makes me think that. Shall I quote some one when they found out shes deaf?

"She's deaf eh? Well that makes it better, get it in there." I doubt very seriouslt that the people I work with will attempt to even talk to her. Yes, I could be wrong, and yes, not everyone gets turned off b/c of a disability. I guess its just wishful thinking. Right?

Wow, this is in a new forum again. LOL, thanks.

BTW, most of the people I work with are 18 and under and still in highschool. Well, besides my managers.

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it's only three years older then you...not a lot when you really think about it... I dont' see any problems.

well about the deaf thing, You know what would be really cool of you to do if you wanted to talk to her a little. Maybe get to talking to her a little, try and find out some of the things she likes. go to the library and check out a sing language book. it's so easy to learn, trust me if i can do it any body can. and it's really fun. that could hint on the fact that you might wanna get to know her a little better and that you are caring enough to take into considersation that she might like that.

you don't have to know how to say everything...really, just learn a few words, maybe find out how to ask her her name or ask her some question. or even ask her on a date.

If it were me i would think it would be cute if a guy did that.

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ok do you know the alphabet in sing? if you know the alphabet the lang becomes really easy to do , cause if you don't know the sign for the word you can spell it out with your fingers. Hi is just waving by the way. so yeah just thought i could help you there, and i can always pull out my sign book and let you know what to do with your hands to say something just pm me anytime k.

oh yeah and thanx for answering my post.

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Hi is just waving by the way.

I feel stupid now.

I don't know the whole alphabet, just my first name, and last initial. I will either have a lot of time to practice this, or a lot of time to think of how I will talk to her. Because I have a feeling I will not see her for a while cuase of the times we work/days.

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