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what am i supposed to do? need ADVICE REALLY bad

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So my ex bf...and i broke up about a month or so ago..and i have no idea what i am supposed to do, He SLEPT with another girl about a month before we broke up ...and then never told me..i found out after i ended it with him. He was clearly in the wrong..he has done this to me before also. After 4 months of fating he made out with my best friend when she was wasted. I forgave him n took him back thinking he would be different..i know he really truly loves me and cares so much about me..and i hate to think that 10 months of my life were wasted with a guy, he wants me back so bad, he crys n even cut himself..which i was not happy about. He is really depressed wihtout me, he hasnt gone to school ect. Bu ti told him the other day...if he really wanted me back he wouldnt threaten me that he was hurting himself or cry to me... he would have done somthing for me..surprise me..try and get me back . He has a car...as do i...but he can drive over....n like surprise me with somthing? Am i really in the wrong for thinking that he should do that? he said he had no idea what i wanted..n if he knew i wanted him to try then he would have done it the way i wanted him to. he then said "i will come over right now" I told him it was too late. I mean i SHOULD NOT have to tell him to do stuff for me right? he should have done it on his own? anyway , i really miss him and im depressed without him...i was 5'8 130 lbs...now i weight 110 , cause i cant eat a thing..i cant do anything but think aboout him and how i wish he wouldnt have done what he did..SOMEONE PLEASE JUST TALK TO ME...just tell me what i should do..i need yalls opinions..what do i do? if anything? HELP ASAP im dieing here..

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i'd say that if it was the first time it happened to maybe give him another chance, but this is the second time he has done this. i don't think you should get back with him again, that was his second chance. it sounds like he has a problem and is trying to make it yours also. you are not responsible for him or his actions, you can help but only so much, you can't have him depending on you. maybe suggest to him so counseling. but i think you are totally right for breaking up with him. i know it hurts hun but it is suppose to. if it didn't i would be worried. i know you care about him, but seriously, i know from experience(many times over) life goes on. there was a time where i wasn't eating at all because of a boy in my life, im a runner and it wasn't healthy and i got very sick, but then my father had a heartattack, and it snapped me right out of whatever it was that was keeping me from eating. now i hope it doesn't take something that drastic to get you to stay healthy, but i hope you understand. life goes on, there are plenty of guys out there that will know how to treat you, and surprise you without you asking. good luck, and keep on truckin no matter what. life is full of so much more then b/f's.

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