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NC- Need to keep busy, but I have mono...

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I have mono, so there's not much for me to do. I can't go anywhere or do anything strenuous. I want to do the whole No Contact thing with my ex-boyfriend, but it's very difficult for me to keep busy when I'm confined at home. What are some things I can do to help me divert my attention from calling him?

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Read Lord of the Rings from cover to cover. Then read War and Peace from cover to cover. Write a book, play internet computer games, watch movies (Lord of the Rings is a good one). Clean the house, organise your underwear drawer, psychoanalyse the cat, take long baths with soothing music.


Hey, can you tell if I like Lord of the Rings?

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I know how you feel. I had an illness that kept me confined to the house for almost a year (although i was allowed visitors so i guess that helped). I kept myself busy by reading lots of books, watching movies, chatting on the phone with friends, the internet (a wonderful tool for the bored), baking (lots of cakes that year!). It is a good time to just focus on yourself, pamper yourself - give yourself a facial, manicure pedicure etc, use the time to focus on your life and where you want to see yourself in the future, maybe even do some kind of study from home. I did a correspondence course which was a great distraction - just an interest subject nothing more. I know it must be really hard having no contact with your boyfriend but just try and stay strong, take care of yourself and think positive. Good luck!

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Lol lord of the rings suggestions are perfect! Love that series a lot.


Hey - hang in there man. Just do anything you can. Make it a game. Be like ok im going to do something to try to divert my attention from being sad. Just try to hang in there as best you can. Its rough my friend.

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Hey im more or less like you. Most of my days of the week (evenings) i pass them at home. I work during day and at night i usually stay at home (im a new city and don't have much friends here, and the weather is kinda cold...). So usually i pass my time around the internet chatting with friends, checking some pages (this one alot ) or sometimes playing. It helps me pass time, and the more im busy the better. Now if i get the money i can get myself a nice PS2 and watch some movies in my bedroom (i still have to see the extend version of Two Towers and The Return of the king - please don't beat me up )


Hey but if you want, and have msn, take my contact and we can chat for a while.

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