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Conversation/Empathy/ Every word turns back to me!


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This might seem a rather strange, and I really like to know whether anyone else has felt like this. At the end of a day, today, which was full of conversations with people who are nice and whom I really like to speak to, I feel exhausted when I am back home.


Does this happen to anyone else? I think over and over every conversation that I engaged in, constantly thinking things like: Oh, I shouldn't have said that, I shouldn't have told that, I should have listened to the end of that sentence, Was that a stupid sentence...?


You can guess how hard it is to think in this way, I don't know why I do this but I know that this is not the way every person ends the day who have spoke to me today. Is this bad, am I just judging myself for nothing, or is this a way to self-improvement of just lack of self-confidence? What do you think?

thanks for any comment..

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Self improvement comes with time, thought and putting things into pratice. But putting yourself down isn't going to self improve it. Just don't do the things that make you think that way. Thats how I deal with it and it kinda helps for me. I don't get hurt as much by people arround me because I don't tell them things that they can hurt me with.

Good Luck.


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I actually do that alot. At the end of everyday, especially when I'm in bed, I usually just reflect on my interactions with people that day. I especially do this when i have conversations or interactions with people I like, and I usually think about what I said that was positive, and what I said that might have made me look stupid, or that I wish I hadn't said. So you're not alone

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