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I want to ask this girl out but i dunno what to do....

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Ok, this is how it is....There's this girl i see around school and everything, i had 1 class with her before but not anymore. We've never talked or anything but i notice that she will stare at me sometimes. I don't know her name or anything. Now that i dont have any classes with her i only see her 2 times a day, 1 time in the morning before school starts, and 2nd after 3rd period for like a second walking in the hallway. I don't ever see her talking to anyone really, i mean she does hang with her friends in the morning. Can anyone help me on how to ask her out? Cause im very bad at starting a conversation, i never know how to start em off. I just want some good tips on what to say and stuff. Oh, and im a freshman in high school and so is she.



Well, i notice that whenever we make eye contact in the morning im always first person to look away....There's 1 more problem too...im white and she is well...black. I mean i have no problem dating a black girl, it's just my family don't like black people period, which is very stupid. Me, i dont see white or black when i look at a girl, i just see a girl that i like. But my family isnt like me at all. I done gotten threats from family members about if i date a black girl and all that stupid crap. Should i just go with my heart? Or listen to my family and feel bad?

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I'm sort of in the same situation...ugh...


How well do you know this girl? When you had a class with her, how often did you talk to her...if at all?


Speaking from experiance, it's rather awkward and slightly creepy to be asked/ask someone out that you barely know. As much as you find starting a conversation difficult, I recommend having a few light talks with her before asking her for her number or screen name. Proceed from there.


Ask her how her new classes are going, for starters.


A note about her posse: It may be intimidating to talk to the object of your affection when they're surrounded by friends, but it may actually work to your advantage, especially if you work up the courage to tell one of her friends you have a crush. They might be willing to help you, but it kind of depends on how well you know her friends.


Eh, I don't know. Getting to know someone when you have a crush on them also is difficult. Just be brave and humorous.


Good luck!

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Before you ask her out why dont you just talk to her, you said that you are bad at starting conversations but you need to develop this skill because it will help you later on. You need to talk to this girl and I dont mean to ask her out on a date but just to get to know her in a friendly way let her learn more about you and you learn more about her then you can decide if you still want to ask her out.

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Your living under ur parents roof and should listen to them. I wouldn't want u gettin kicked out or nething , but i think if your parents really love you ...that they will learn to accept it because its ur own taste. Nobody should be able to tell u who to date u know what u Like others shouldn't have a say on who u Like. I think that you are old enough to make ur own decisions and well capable of picking out ur own girl.


If yall like eachother let it be known. Get her phone number or email. See whats up with her...Im sure ull make the right decision. go with ur gut feeling and follow ur heart. WHO KNOWS...this one girl may end up being ur wife.

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