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Why So Hateful!


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I never thought in a million years that my girlfriend and I would break up let alone break up like this. She is acting so out of character and I just don't think she is in her right state of mind but then again I could be in denial. She is doing things and saying things that I feel like are not really her. She is a good person we been together for five years and been through a lot of crazy stuff together and I thought even if we did end up not together she would at least leave me with some dignity and not play little kid games with either to hurt one another because no matter how much she hurts me I don't want to hurt her she has made mgr a better person and I'm gonna be ok with out her but why does she feel like she needs to keep hurting me purposely

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First off we are lesbians and been in a steady committed relationship for five years. A year ago I went to jail for three months and she cheated on me with the girl she was with before me who actually used to be both our friends before we even knew eachother but that's beside s the point. I've tried everything to try and get past the infidelity but I can't trust her and she acts like that's not her fault. She has always been remorse full and has claimed she wants to better our relationship in the past but lately she has been acting weird and she has been kinda going thru some mental health issues as well that I think are playing a huge part in all of this because this is so out of character for her to act like she doesn't give a about our relationship anymore she won't even talk to me and we still sleep in the same bed EVERY NIGHT

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Without trust in a relationship, you have nothing, so I can't say I'm surprised that it's not working anymore. I think this relationship is pretty much done and all one can do is learn to accept that it's over and move on. There is no point in holding onto something which is no longer there, imo.

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I agree completely but how do I let go I love her so much is breaking my heart do bad. And how does one regain trust after infidelity cause I have tried to trust her but she always doing things to mess it up every time I start to gain a little trust in her

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If you really want this to work, try relationship counseling. It can help with the trust. But it may just end up that you two cannot be together. If she is suffering from mental health issues then THOSE issues should be both of your guys first priority. Health first, relationship second. But you also need to consider your health hun. If you are being hurt over and over again, you need to look at how it is affecting you. You may love her, but if she's hurting you every day, you need to let it go and take care of yourself as well.

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I am also a Lesbian, my ex and I broke up in March and all of a sudden she just became this cold hearted a**hole. We attempted to stay in contact but she continued to throw hints out that she was getting to know someone and other days being sweet and kind (probably out of boredom) the mind games will drive you crazy. I cut all ties with her yesterday so I can begin to heal. My advice? RUN. Step away from things and take a few weeks or months to breathe.

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Thanx everyone I appreciate the input and I'm seriously trying to find a solution as to somewhere to go because this just isn't healthy for me. Today I found text messages to the ex that she cheated on me with but basically the girl told her she need to get right and my girl didn't say much besides she missed her and couldn't stop thinking about her for some reason this absolutely is the last straw but I still have these feelings of falling back into her trap because I see her now trying to be cool now and not so cold but I have to know that it's only an act because she got caught but If I didn't catch her talking to this girl she would still be playing the victim

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