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So if I do call his wife and tell her about his affair...??


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You can keep it from her, in the hope that you are protecting her because she may not want to know. Or you can tell her, and let her do with the information what she wants, because she may very well want to know. No one knows what this lady would really want, so I would give her the information and let her make her own decision..... and not get involved anymore. If she doesn't want to believe you, then she will believe his lies and excuses. If she does want to believe you, then she will tear him a new ***. And wouldn't we hate to see that??? If you are hoping that he will come back to you though.... forget it. He will despise you for telling his wife, also another good reason to tell her.... so that you won't EVER be tempted to take him back.


If I was being played for a fool, I'd want to know. And I'd like to think that people would respect me enough to tell me. Yes, it would hurt. But it would hurt worse when I find out that he's also been lying to me about it for years and making a fool of me.


The only concern that I have is the backlash of how he may take it out on you. It's something you really need to consider before making your decision. There is no point sugar coating it, chances are he is going to be mad as hell and will lash out at you. It's not going to matter whether he once loved you, his world will be crumbling and he will be looking for someone to blame (yes, we know it's really his fault... but if he's a good enough liar he could convince himself otherwise)...

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