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everyones so depressed

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It seems to me that drepression is much more common these days. I wish people could learn to be happy. If your not happy with the life you live than move on, sell everything and go somewhare far away. When im done with college perhaps i will move to scottland, or great britian, things seems to be much more clear there. The people of the States are becoming too eneraged and depressed, not to mention most everyone is obsessed with money. I don't know why im writhing this, perhaps i'm becoming upset with the way everyone compalins about how they hate thier lives, when in reality, they don't even know their living.

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I totally agree. I wish people would take it easy, which would ultimately help in reducing depression. You're right about obsession with money making lots of people depressed and enraged, always striving after what they can't have and then becoming depressed and angry when they don't achieve it. My life's great in lots of ways, but I've felt lonely for quite some time now, because I really want that special someone in my life. I admit that this makes me depressed sometimes, but it also makes me appreciate the small, basic things in life. Being alive, breathing, seeing, hearing, being able to communicate and talk, having a brain, enjoying food, nature, music, all that stuff.


But it's the same over here in the UK. Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England. Money, depression, anger... You might think I'm crazy but I actually thought things might be a bit better in America in some ways. We have an expression here that goes "The other person's grass is always greener." The one thing I would say is that Brits aren't as engaged with the anger surrounding George W Bush.


You sound like a nice person, with a good head on your shoulders.

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All the rain aint depressing at all it just makes you apreciate the days where the sun comes out i mean...... Joy wouldnt feel good if it wasnt for pain and stuff i disagree i dont think people are all depressed i just think that people dont apreciate what they have and so they look for sympathy and self pity them selves stupid really......The world would a much better place if everyone was always smilling and happy but people cant see past what they have i mean your alot better off them some people.....

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You can't pack up your stuff and move away from depression. Depression will follow you because it's coming from the inside. People are obsessed with making money because they think money is an outward reflection of their selfworth. But once they BUY this self worth they're still depressed because those things can't solve their problems with self-esteem, personal problems, family and friends problems. They have to understand what's going on internally and solve it from the inside.

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I love the smell of rain, it makes everything smell clean, maybe thats why i want to move to europe. Though everyone feels depression some time in their lives i think i have been avoident of it. Many people set their standards to high, though it is a good idea to have asperations, people just need to realize the differance between reality and fantasy. perhaps when im older and more understanding of life i will help people with their depression.


Thank you for all your responses.

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