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Love is a double-edged sword: it can destroy or inspire.

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Love is a double-edged sword: it can destroy or inspire.


Those of you who have loved and given a part of yourself to another know that love is indeed a double edged sword.


THere are times when your baby is the only person you need in the whole world and cloud9 becomes your permanent address.

There are times when the two of you are just not on the same page and that leads to disappointment, hurt and heartbreak.


More than ever, my relationship has shown me that love can hurt as much as it can heal. Anyone feel the same? Any experiences to share?

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I agree! I was so happy at times when he told me he wanted to marry me, wanted to protect me, and all the great things he had to say. However, he had hurt me many times throughout the relationship and now I am surviving through the biggest heart break I have ever gone through as we are broken up. But, yeah, I don't regret anything. I learned so much and I hope I can use all I have learned, and all I have grown, in future relationships.

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I absolutely agree that love can be painful and sometimes doesn't even seem to be worth the bother, if the bad times seem to outweigh the good times. However, I think overall, the bad aspects of love just make it better. Can someone really recognize something as "good" without already experiencing something "bad?" I think the bad things often make us appreciate the good things even more. Maybe I'm getting a bit too philosophical here... I definitely think dealing with the bad aspects together leads to more good, often in the form of strengthening the relationship, and the good parts seem better in contrast.


Anyway, those of us who have been hurt before still try to fix the problems within our relationships, or even begin new ones after others ended painfully, so the good must outweigh the bad - we can't all be nuts.

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I absolutely agree. Love most certainly has its peaks and its downfall ... 'There is a fine between love and hate' .. which is kinda true aswell in a relationship... In situations ive had its like one minute things are fine and the next its not... doctor jackel and mr.hide ......

realtionships are funny things


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