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Can depression be avoided?

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.This is the story. I am 24 years old, and I have taken anti-depressants from age 19 to 23. That means I have been living without any medicine for a year, I have had ups and downs, but usually things were normal. However, for about a month I feel depressed, my counsellor says that I might take medicine, but I am not sure. I know that the possibility of getting into depression is higher if one has had a past experience, but I also think that medicine is not always the right solution.

I have been speaking to myself for about ten days, usually checking whether I am depressed or not. In depression, I do not eat, so I am checking whether I can now. Today, I have noticed that this kind of attitude makes me even worse.

The question is, can someone handle depression in a minor situation. Can I avoid depression or should I begin taking anti-depressants immediately?

I feel lonely but I still have an aim to live. I do not think about killing myself, but I just dont want to communicate and a minor problem which I would usually think for an hour takes a long time to handle. I want to cry sometimes, but I still can smile to the mirror! Anyone who can advice?

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Depression is not a state of mind, it is an illness. It emnates from chemical imbalances and is thereforeeee physiological not mental. Can it be avoided? Strictly no it can't in much the same way as a common cold can't.


It is however manageable in the same way as a common cold is. You can take steps to nullify or lessen its impact both via lifestyle choices and/or medication.


If you have clinically diagnosed depression it is very important that you follow the advice of your doctor/therapist. They will know the best way to manage your particular case and circumstance.


Treatments for clinical depression have come a long way in teh past 10 years, as has awareness of the illness. Treatment such as shock therapy are now more the exception than the rule and there should be no reason why you are no able to lead a healthy normal lifestyle with appropriate treatment of your condition. Consult your doctor. If you are uncomfortable with the his/her recommended course of treatment, get a second opinion.


If you have been diagnosed with clinical depression do not try to manage it yourself. You need the assistance of professionals.

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Depression is not a state of mind, it is an illness. It emnates from chemical imbalances and is thereforeeee physiological not mental.


this is not true........ now doctors are thinking that it comes from elctrical stuff or something like that but it is not an imbalance....... and tyou're all thinking omg what does she know she is 14 but i was tal;king with my therapist and she said that........ new therapist first day so thats kinda why we got into it.......... anyhoo i thought i should point that out! and don't worry i ahve it too but i can't tell stuff to my tgharpist because she wi;l have to tell my parents but im not doing to well becaus ei alays have to watch my words.........

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I was wondering to myself the other day if many of our great artist or musical composers were not depressed themselves. I escaped from depression by keeping myself distracted from reality. My mother's body was found deep in the woods under some shrubbery when I was starting my freshman year of high school. I turned to writing, drawing, sports, painting and everything else I could possibly do to keep my mind occupied. I believe we all have our drugs, or our escapes from reality. Instead of taking Paxil, I chose the pencil and I believe that was a more profitable decision for me. If you noticed however, the one thing that all my hobbies had in common were that they were all vehicles for me to express my own deeper emotions. Looking back, I chose to express myself through my work rather than intake a drug that I would depend on later. Now I know not everyone is the same, but I believe you were right to get off of the medication. The trick is now, to find something to occupy your time, and do your best to lose yourself in whatever it is that keeps you happy.

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Hi Unexpected,


In a sense you may be right (or your therapist). It is not precisely known what causes depression but the general consensus amongst the medical fraternity at the moment is that it is caused by a chemical imbalance in the central brain.


Please remember, I am talking about clinical depression, not the feeling of being depressed (sad). Prolonged sadness is only one of many symptoms of clinical depression.

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no, clinical depression is definitely like a disease. sometimes it's honestly something we can't help..like low ceratonin levels to the brain and what not. that's why there's really no shame in taking medications and talking to people about it. so if you feel you need to take medication, go for it. there's nothing wrong with that. i myself takes med and i'm happy with the result. but i also agree with the other post, there are other "medications" out there too. writing, reading, talking, exercising, hobbies, movies, music, friends, etc. don't give up, you can get through all this. you sound like a really strong person, that's great. hang in there, we're here for you. take care

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