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i don't want to lose my best friend, i don't know what to do

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ok i have a pretty ugly crisis on my hands that just popped up. i could really use some help.


one of my friends has been acting very childish lately. it's been annoying me and my friends for a few weeks now, including my best friend who i've known my whole life. he finally stopped babying her (the rest of us were for a while) and he confronted her about it. we all know she has some emotional problems that make her act this way sometimes, so i thought this was a bad idea on my best friends' part. i thought he was being unsypathetic because she told me later what he had said to her. he tends to be unsympathetic with some situations, so i understood why she was so upset. my best friend also said that we (our group of friends) agreed with him that we didn't like how she was being childish and all that. when she asked me if i agreed with him, i told the truth and said that i did agree with him. i also told her that i know my best friend can be unspympathetic towards other people's feelings, and that i sympathize with her. i thought this was the right thing to say because i wanted to let her know that while i agree with my best friend, i'm not turning my back on her.


the problem is, my best friend found out what i said about him. he's very angry with me and he told me that he can't trust me anymore, after all the thing's we've been through over the years. i tried to defend myself, i made sure i didn't lie about anything that happened. i wanted to admit to him that i didn't mean to sound like a was stabbing him in the back, but i realise that it's pretty much exactly what i did. he said that i agreed with him and agreed with her at the same time. i admit this is true. honestly, i know i really screwed up here, but i was trying to look out for her interests because i felt like she couldn't deal with the situation because of her emotional issues, while i figured my best friend could deal with what i said later. it was a stupid thing to do.


now i need some advice on what to do. he's my best friend in the world and i don't want to risk destroying that friendship. as i said he confronted me about it and i have admitted my mistakes to him, and i apologized. he hasn't forgiven me at all yet. i have no idea what to do or what i can say to him. i feel like i have said all that i can. i don't want to lose him as a friend over this. i feel terrible. if you have any advice, please please help me out. thanks.

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This isnt fair at all!you're just trying to be a good friend to both of them and they're gettintg angry. they're the ones being immature, or at least your best friend is. He isnt perfect, everyone has their imperfections, and I suppose his is that he sint very sympathetic. which isnt even that big of a problem...so who pissed in his cornflakes?hahah...anyways. He shouldnt be mad at you. You should confront him and say you're sorry if he felt betrayed, but that it isnt what you intended him to feel. Your other friend may be annoying but it seems your best friend needs some help with an issue too-being immature. Tell him you were just trying to be nice and considerate to the ohter person and that you odnt want to be caught in the middle of all this. Let them settle any dispute they have, try to keep out of it from now on since they seem to like getting you involved in the conflict too when you were only trying to help.

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dude from what I learned from my experience with my best friend is kinda similar to your situation.


Aight ill start by saying this which may show you how I could relate to your situation. I'm 20 my best friends 17, I've known him since he was a baby and was first friends with his older sister when we were younger.


So what you can obviously see here is I was always the mature one of the friendship LoL. And by the sound of your situation you were being the mature one and your friend was being immature.


You said you are best friends and you've known eachother your whole lives. Right there is the key man, if up till the point you guys became friends till now you've had a strong friendship meaning being able to trust eachother 100%. Then I am pretty sure your friendship wont end on something so stupid. You have to understand man the friends you meet now you will never have that same bond that you do with your friend you grew up with.


Of course you'll probably meet some new friends that you feel you can trust but you still will never feel that same trust as you do with your best friend. I wouldnt worry about it man sounds like your friend just needs to cool off. Trust me man my buddy use to hold the biggest grudges on me for such stupid stuff. We use to go weeks without talking LoL. But man our friendship has never been so strong. He's still really immature but has his moments of maturity. In a few years when my buddy and your buddy mature. You and your best bud are gonna look back on those days and laugh at em because those are the memories you will never forget!


Remember that man, your friends that you grow up with are irreplacable.

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