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Period 3 times in just over a month?! Please help!!!

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I'm 19 and have always had regular and consistant periods my entire life.


Since mid March I have had 3 periods, all of which are extremely heavy, the "blood" is more off colour or brown and mostly just mucus with a few bright red bits of blood in it and occasionally with just clear mucus.


The first period lasted 8 days, the second one which started a week later lasted 2 weeks and I am now on the 3rd one which has so far lasted 8 days and is just as heavy as it started.


I had an abortion in December, and as far as I know, it went fine, and I went back to regular periods pretty quickly. I am currently taking the contraceptive pill, the one I have always been on and have no changed anything about my lifestyle since these happened.


I am absolutely stressing out as obviously it's not an area where you want to start getting issues and being on your period isn't nice, specially when you have 3 in just over a month and specially with the abortion, I can't help but think something has gone awfully wrong.


I am going to go to the doctors next week, but I just want some more advice or information regarding what it could be.

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Of course the most important thing is that you see your doctor,they will take swabs and hopefully and you for a pap. but I think it could be due to your contraception. I bled constantly on the progesterone only pill. sometimes our bodies suddenly decide the start behaving differently even if they have caused us no problems for a while. Your hormones may be out of sync following the abortion and have only just started to show signs. Another option is an infection, but as it is months since your procedure I doubt that could be it, you would have had symptoms pretty soon afterwards. It's easy for me to say but try not to worry. There are often very common reasons for irregular, heavy periods and discharge, your doctor will certainly have seen your case many times before.

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You need to see your doctor if you recently had an abortion. An abortion can throw your hormones out of whack for a while so it could be that, but it could also be that you've gotten a smoldering infection from the abortion and need treatment. And sometimes you can need a follow up D&C after an abortion to straighten things out.

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Go to the doctor! No one here can tell you what it could be, and it won't help anyway because you need to see an actual medical professional, stressing over what someone on a forum posts or suggests will be worse! When it comes to medical advice, always go with the professional.

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