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ladies, what turns you off about "quiet guys"?


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These guys are mostly tight-lipped whenever they're trying to mingle within a group of people conversating on anything. You see them..they're friendly, they laugh along with the group whenever another guy says something fun or insightful, but they don't add anything from their voice to the conversation for a million reasons (ok, maybe shyness). And ultimately, they start to become less important to you from a social aspect. Isn't this true?

Now, I've heard that some girls like the "silent" types but really that's only if he looks attractive and physically interesting to girls. These lucky guys don't even have to initiate a conversation..


From my personal experiences as a guy who didn't talk much at parties or in group environments while growing up, I started to notice that it was harder and harder to get the attention or interest from a girl once I started to speak up within the group. I always thought: Well, now that I'm talking more, maybe this certain girl will dismiss my quiet demeanor as just an initial flaw. But that never seems to happen..


Any advice?


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Quiet guys seem very submissive to girls. Most girls like a guy who can take charge, and stand up for what he says. I, personally, like a good debate; unfortunately, debates don't exactly work with quiet people who go "Oh, I guess you're right" and stop talking. I mean, authority is nice, but it's hard work. At least in my opinion, I don't like too quiet guys because they're hard to work with. In an ironically stubborn kind of way. If that made any sense whatsoever. Hopefully someone got my point.

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I wouldn't say that it's a "turn-off" exactly. If a guy is just reserved in a group of people, but open and chatty with me, that's no problem whatsoever. I can understand that some guys have a bit of trouble opening up completely in large social situations. However, I couldn't be with a guy who is like that all the time when it's just he and I. I would prefer a guy who speaks his mind and has a lot to say. Basically, a guy who doesn't hold back all the time, always uses the excuse "I just don't know what to say" (after a while, that gets VERY annoying). I think it's more about having a really good friend as well as a boyfriend. My best friends never say, "I don't know what to say".


A guy who is very quiet and unresponsive to me when we are first starting to get to know each other, on more of a romantic level rather than friendship, would be unattractive. I would look at that as an indication of what would be to come in the future: extreme boredom. I'm not a healer, and won't stick around for very long and try to 'change' him. That's not my job.

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really what I want to know is....... define shy person. Is it a person who does not talk at all or what and another thing is a shy person one of those people who do not talk at parties and not enjoy them self? In large groups of people ill voice my opinion and I am a shy person only on a few things but my question is does that make me a shy person?

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Now, I've heard that some girls like the "silent" types but really that's only if he looks attractive and physically interesting to girls. These lucky guys don't even have to initiate a conversation..



What are you talking about? The most attractive qualily in men is the ability to make the ladies laugh. I heard the comedian Carrottop was second in voting for People magazine's sexiest man alive.

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