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Hi All,


I made a post a few days ago about my date. I have had a lot of advice from friends and colleagues but I have come here also. I am very new to dating (not done it at all really, got out of a long term relationship a year ago) and as such not sure what is the 'norm' and worry if I'm too needy/keen.


So, I met this girl on a night out. We obviously liked each other, with her finding me later in the night and pulling me on the dance floor. We started texting that night, it is worth mentioning that she takes a long time to get back to me and doesn't really answer questions sometimes etc. Anyway, we met for our first date and I was a little apprehensive thinking she might be poor at talking as result but it went really well, with loads of communication going on between us (far from my concerns). We stayed out for like 4-5 hours with it being just a lunch, going for a walk after and then another drink somewhere else. I walked her to the train station and we parted ways, with a hug and a kiss on the cheek (my choice). I text her after and she replied, saying she had a good time and that she would be about at Easter again. Anyway, I text her back and since then I haven't heard from her. I text her again a few days later to prompt a response by saying I hope she didn't have a too rough a week (she is working 7 nights straight) and still nothing. That was Monday.


I've been on a few unsuccessful dates and it hasn't bothered me at all but this time I'm sad and a little hurt. I liked this girl and wanted to get to know her. I am not sure what to do next. My friends say move on which I agree with but I am also still thinking about it and can't let it go.


I feel like just ringing her up. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but at this point I am fairly sure she isn't interested, contrary to how I felt the date went.

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I wish I could give you some feedback but people confuse me as much as they do you. All I can say is you probably shouldn't contact her because it will seem needy. Just try to forget about and move on. Not worth your time


Thanks for the reply.


People don't normally. If the date wouldn't have gone like it did I would happily just let it go but...still its her choice not to contact me I guess, for whatever reason, and that if by some freak of accident she lost her bag or phone or whatever thoughts that I am kidding myself with she would contact me if she liked me enough.

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Thanks for the reply.


People don't normally. If the date wouldn't have gone like it did I would happily just let it go but...still its her choice not to contact me I guess, for whatever reason, and that if by some freak of accident she lost her bag or phone or whatever thoughts that I am kidding myself with she would contact me if she liked me enough.


It could be that she just wants to have fun and is enjoying single life and doesn't want anything to progress or she may have clicked with someone else or even an ex may have come back into the picture. It could be many many things

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I remember dating someone like that. Kept me waiting and waiting for a response. And when he finally did, it was as if all of my worries disappeared. I hope she responds to you some day even if it means she doesn't want a relationship. At least u know and u can move on. Best scenario is that she could have lost her phone and she never got those texts so she doesn't even know you're waiting. (Prob not a likely chance, but it can still happen, right?) At this point, we don't know her reasons, but maybe if it will help you move on, think of her as just a great flirt. Cuz if she wasn't that into u, maybe you didn't pick up on her clues.

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I remember dating someone like that. Kept me waiting and waiting for a response. And when he finally did, it was as if all of my worries disappeared. I hope she responds to you some day even if it means she doesn't want a relationship. At least u know and u can move on. Best scenario is that she could have lost her phone and she never got those texts so she doesn't even know you're waiting. (Prob not a likely chance, but it can still happen, right?) At this point, we don't know her reasons, but maybe if it will help you move on, think of her as just a great flirt. Cuz if she wasn't that into u, maybe you didn't pick up on her clues.


Thank you for your response.


I hope she does, although if that happens I will say to her that when I start dating people I like to talk to them a bit more than we have because how else am I supposed to get to know them? Or make a terrible joke about it but still try and get the point over. My thoughts that she still might died last night (drowned in wine no less!), its been too long now.


As I said, it makes me sad because I know we got on well and my attraction to her was instinctual. She was to self-conscious about what I thought not too have been and she stayed around to long as well. I'm new to this but I think I am a good judge. I will post back here if she even does.

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At the end of your date you kissed her on the cheek (your choice) and she told you she'd be around again at Easter.


To me this says she may not have known you were all that interested and and she's busy just now. If you want to give it one more shot I would call or message her and ask her to do something around Easter when she said she would be free. When I'm busy and I get a text that says something like "I hope you're having a good week" I smile and sometimes I say thanks....but often I only have time to read it and then I forget to respond. If you ask "would you like to go to this show on Saturday?" I'm more likely to respond if the answer is yes (I respond even if no but if it's a no sometimes no response is your answer).


Also a good rule of thumb if you're having a good time on date #1 try to set up the expectation of date #2 before the end of the first date....not just let's do this again....but specifically "I want to see that film too....we should go together maybe Sunday....will you be free on Sunday?" Then she already knows you want to see her again.

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