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I need to talk to someone that I can trust... but who?

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I need to talk to someoen that I can trust... but i dont know who to talk to. I'm having so many problems that I just wish I could accidently walk out in front of an 18 wheeler. I dont know how to go about solving these problems that I am having... I tried talking to my closest friend but he was NO HELP at all, and just made things worse...


My parents are an ABSOLUTE NNOOONNNOOONNOOOOO!!! Last time I went to them for help... omg it was awful and I hated myself even more. Thye ignore me so dont say them.... but I really need someone to talk to... A counselor? but how would i get to one of them when I'm 15 and dont even have my learners yet? I almost thought about my school guidance counselor but I figured she would tell my parents and plus I would have to live with thinking about it everyday that I saw her...


I REALLY NEED some advice cause I'm starting to do bad in school and I quit the basketball team today because I'm always depressed.d

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You could try starting with your school counselor. There are only certain things that they must tell your parents about and you can ask her to lay those out before you reveal anything.


Another option would be a church if one is close by. Many of them have youth groups or youth pastors who can counsel you - and it is nearly always free for someone who cannot afford to pay.

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well, if you're just wanting someone to talk to I sudjest calling 1-800-394-HOPE. they run

Monday - Friday - 2PM - 9PM,

Saturday - 10PM - Midnight, and

Sunday - 7PM - 10PM


it sounds like you want to stay rather anonymous, and this is a good way to do that. Like avman said, finding a youth minister would be better bet because then you would have someone that could really work with you.

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I suggest your school counselor. Thats what he/shes there for. Its like an adult counselor for adults, yet they devote their time to us younger ones.. Theyre supposed to be confidential over here. I am sure it must be over there as well. If not a school counselor, try a close friend. Personally I dont go to my parents for help because they dont listen but alot will... Everyone was placed on this Earth for a reason, you just havent found yours yet, theres nothing wrong with that. You sound like a great person, I would listen to you. Have fun and enjoy what you have, good luck!

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  • 1 month later...

please dont let this ruin ur schooling, maybe u should try and see a doctor, or even if u talk to someone on this website, sometimes its easier to talk to a complete stranger than someone that i know, hope everything works out for you, take care.

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