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No. I've been in relationships with a 10-14year age gap and we got along fine. The only problem was they were at a different stage in life than I was-- I was either still in school or trying to begin a career and they wanted a wife that would stay at home, take care of the kids, not work or go to school. I wasn't ready for that.


The age difference you're talking about doesn't sound very big but you may still have life-stage conflicts.


My parents have a 4 years age difference and they were elementary, middle, high school and college sweethearts... they've also been married for over 36 years.


I wouldn't worry about that small of an age difference right now.

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I'm just wanting a couple opinions here. Is 17 to 21 that big of an age gap?


No your age gap is not a big problem. The only issue would be that one of you is old enough to go out to bars/clubs while the other can't (even with a fake I.D. theres the chance you still wont get in). That may interfier with your social life as a couple (when I was 21 my g/f was 20 and it was hard for us to go out with our friends since she couldn't get in most of the places yet). But don't worry about it if both of you are comfertable/happy with each other then just enjoy the moment and forget about all those little worries.

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As the others have said, age shouldn't be an issue as long as both parters are mature enough to realise that. If you feel that your partner is mature enough to not make a big deal out of a few years then go for it! If, on the other hand, you can forsee a problem then proceed with caution and be as open and understanding as you can.


Good luck!

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It doesn't matter. If your friends are going to give you a hard time about it, you have to ask yourself if they are really your friends. That may sound a bit extreme, but I have lost a lot of friends over my age gap relationship because they thought my choices affected them somehow. They were wrong, so we went our separate ways. And I am very happy in my relationship, so what my "friends" think doesn't matter.


As most everyone else said, if your personalities mesh, and you are mature enough for each other, then more power to you! A lot of times what friends will worry about are the legal issues. They don't want you to get in trouble for stuff, you know what I mean? And with that, they are correct. But if it's anything other than that... *shrug*

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