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just lost my boyfriend, i dont want to live

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i dont know what to write here. doesnt even begin to describe it

my bf broke up with me because he has been suffering from depression. we had an on and off ldr and he said the only thing he could have with me is friendship

i would have said it was ok under any other circumstance, but a few days ago he shared an intimate kiss with his ex gf which really broke me up into pieces

he told me bout breaking up with me last night/this morning and when i told him i couldnt be friends he got upset. the night was spent in tears to each other on the phone as we both knew we could no longer be in each others lives after the phone call finished.

I wanted so much to say, ok, we'll be friends, but i couldnt find the strength in me to risk being hurt again. i want more than friendship.


i've been in bed all day today, and all day yesterday and constantly crying. its been horrible today because my tears are making me physically ill. i feel like throwing up. i'm that cut up about it i dont want to live anymore. i dont know whats wrong with me.


i texted him 2hours after we ended the call and told him i wanted to be friends and couldnt bare losing him and that i was stupid. i also wrote him an email, but i've got no response yet


i cant take the pain anymore



qt x

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hey breakups can be difficult, what you need the most right now is friends to be there for you, It will hurt for a long time but trust me it will get better, I'v been through a break up sorta like you just described and I know how much it hurts, I got over mine with help from friends on and off the internet, I did want to kill myself and just end the pain but my friends pulled me through it. I will be one such friend if you want me too, just PM me If you'll have me.

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Oh, qt, I am hurting for you... I have seen your other posts on here, and I know what a struggle you've been having... Please know that there are friends who care very much about you and for you.


This won't be easy, I can promise you... But, I can also promise you that you will come through this. Keep posting here and your friends on here will help. If ya wanna PM me, or if there's someone else you wanna talk to, you can PM them...

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Sorry to hear your breakup. I would recommend waiting for his response and take it from there. I wouldn't rush too quickly into being friends because it might push him away. Just remember friendship's are like dancing, "It takes two to tango". If he doesn't respond or if "you" are putting forth all the energy, then I say go with N/C....No matter what happens you always have friends and family to help during the difficult moments. I wish you strength and courage to see it though . Keep us posted.

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Man sometimes i think i need to stop coming on enotealone cause my heart cant take it!! It hurts so bad to go through a break up. Nothing has ever been harder for me and it sorta hurts to see other people go through it!! I gotta quit being so empathetic!!


Hey, qt im sorry to hear about your situation. It will get better for sure, but right now its gonna be super hard. Its a fight. Its a fight with yourself to not cry ALL day and just mope around like a looser face. You wont really win, but you just gotta keep trying. After a long hard persistent fight you will start feeling alive again.


I walked around like a zombie for a good long time after my break up, and then again when i found out she was dating someone else. As much as this is on you to grow from and get out you have everyone of us here. Dont feel bad to post 50 things a day.Do whatever it takes. Just dont drink alcohal right now Watch movies, listen to music - anything you can do to just get by. That is the key right now.


When ya said you havent gotten outta bed all day i definitely knew the feeling.


Oh, also try your hardest not to analyze every stupid little thing. I did that for a super long time and it just makes stuff hurt more. There is a time for reflection and growth, but right now its time for getting through the super pain. In my life nothing hurts more then this, so just keep that in mind. This is a great obsticle so dont feel bad about having it totally beat you down on somedays.


Everything you said about throwing up and crying a lot is normal. Hang in there and well be thinkin about you.

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qt - hang in there. Put your trust in God now, because you need Him. Things happen for a reason, and right now, God wants to put you through this. I don't want to sound like a preacher, but I was as bad as you back in August. All I could do was pray. I still have my days, but am so much better now.


Hang in there, you will get through this. Let me know if I can help in anyway.

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y do u want this guy, if i ask u that u wont be able to come up with 5 logical reasons, the guy cheated fo godssake, kissed someone else.


its ur heart talkin huni, not u, take a pen and paper and then write down y u want this guy, write down the good and bad parts about him and ur relationship, do a lot of thinkin and then u'l knw urself what is rite and what is wrong.


breakups r always bad, but its cuz of them that we become the people we r, its our experiences that refine us. its ok to grieve, but dont always listen to ur heart, bring the mind into play now.


wait a few weeks and then talk bout friendshp with him, then u'l be in a more stable position and he would have missed u enuf to agree to it.

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Dear, your life is just beginning. Why end it now? You're 18, so you're either just about to plow high school and go to college, or you're already there. If the first...think about the fun of being able to go somewhere completely different, and start a new life...or transition to a new life. If you're in college, I am guessing that this is your first year; depending on what you're studying, you have 4 to 8 years or so more to enjoy.


Being dumped sucks, especially the first month. I know that firsthand as does everyone else here...but ya know what? Screw him to heck! He cheated, he's a JERK FACE. A worthless piece of dung! Why would you want someone back who did this to you?! Seriously, my ex was a bad man, he was a coward, and for a long time I wanted him back. BUT THEN I realized, "hey, he thought very little of me...he lied to me and broke promises, he put himself first for all things. Doesn't sound like a winner to me!" Nor does this guy--come on, do you want to marry someone who cheated on you?

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi, im new here but just saw your post & had to reply. i broke up with my bf because i was depressed and couldnt work it because i always took everything out on him. We had the intention of getting back together but I was always too scared. Im sure in time your boyfriend will realised what he has lost, just like I have. Try and be patient for a while, but if it cuases you too much pain just move on. He will regret it

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hi, im new here but just saw your post & had to reply. i broke up with my bf because i was depressed and couldnt work it because i always took everything out on him. We had the intention of getting back together but I was always too scared. Im sure in time your boyfriend will realised what he has lost, just like I have. Try and be patient for a while, but if it cuases you too much pain just move on. He will regret it

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