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Keep on dreaming about her.


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Hello guys. My gf of 5 months broke up with me in November last year. Though we kept contact heavily. We stopped talking at the beginning of December then I broke NC in January where she said she had a boyfriend who she loves. He is always coming to her house and stuff like that (were 17 so you know whats going down.). Anyway, Ive come to terms that she moved on and has another boyfriend and we will never get back together...not even if they break up and tried fo get back with me I dont even want to be friends with her. I do think about her and the times weve had and "them" and the times their having. I try to quicklu dispel of those thoughts though it doesnt work sometimes. The worst part is every few days I have a dream about her breaking up with him to get with me or her with him. Does anyone have tips on how to stop this?


PS. I see both of them everyday in school.

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Don't do effort to try to stop it, it's your brains way of trying to process the events. You just go on and try to make the best out of your life and find someone else as well. Your life also goes on, focus on that, and not waste your effort on things that will bear no fruit.

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