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Being nice and caring to a girl.

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Well u guys might remember me from a while back when i was having all of those relationship problems...well i finally found a nice girl that i like, and things are going well...we aren't "going out" but we are dating...whats a good way for me to show her some affection?...any form really

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well, is this your first gf?


*hold her hand,

*call her just to say hello, but dont get annoying lol.

*im sure youre gonna do things naturally, like youll probably really listen to her & take in what she says while looking into her eyes.

*youll find yourself checkin her out when shes not looking & she 'catches you'

*playing w/ her hair etc...


things will just flow, dont be afraid to show your feelings towards her. i used to buy or make my BF's 'just b/c i care' cards & give them to them on a regular day.


i loved when guys would surprise me w/ flowers. if youre looking for those suave cassanova things ppl do to 'woo' a girl over...dont bother unless youre gonna keep up with it.



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Instead of considering how to show her some affection, or how you feel, worry about how she feels. Biggest things to do: don't work too hard at trying to impress her; be nice; listen to her; when you listen, look at her, make eye contact and let ti linger after she finishes saying something; don't talk too much; learn about the things she likes, then ask her good questions about them, take an interest in her interests; don't talk too much.

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k whataver u do, dont overdo anything, lik yea once a while do one thing and then do another, its too anoying if lets say u keep holding her hand everywhere u guys go or somethin.


jus be nice and vary wut u do. some of the things id suggest is, compliment her on stuff, get to knw a lil gurl fashion etc and tell her, her hair looks better st8 or somethin.


basically jus do wut u feel, if u feel lik holding her hand do it, if u feel lik callin her call her, but remember excess of nethin is bad. dont look desperate that is. basically wut u need to do is make her feel good bout herself, figure out how u gonna do this. make her feel lik a princess whn shes with u.

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It's the little things that people say or do that show how much they care. Don't be concerned with some grand gesture that shows how much you care about her, do those extra little things that make her feel special. Most of it should come naturally. Be nice and considerate to her, open doors for hers, give her your jacket of she's cold. Really listen to what she has to say and if possible bring it up again later. Like, if she is really nervous about a test then reassure that she will do fine, offer to help her study, and afterwards ask her about it and tell her that you are sure she aced it. Take an interest in what she likes. Don't be too pushy or demanding. Also, make she she knows how much you care. Give compliments but don't overdo it. Smile and respect her. Really, just treat her like you would want to be treated, with love and respect.


And while the little things show that you truly care, it doesn't hurt every now and then do to something extra special for her. Give flowers for no reason other then because you thought she would like them. Get tickets for her favorite singer if he comes to town. Leave a silly but cute note for her saying you like spending time with her. Don't overdo it, but in the right amount things like that can be really special.

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well thanks, yea ill keep those things in mind...and no this is not my first girlfriend haha...its just...been a long time, like 2 years...and back then it wasn't even like, real anyway....so hell yes this is my first time haha. Ill post back on what happens in a few weeks

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