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Possible to start a relationship through texting??

Bryce M

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Ok so I met this girl, who we'll call Nicole, through a friend of mine, Ruth. We all went out to the club almost two weeks ago. Nicole and I danced the whole night together your typical club dancing. Then we all head to Ruth's house only to stumble upon an awkward situation. Basically someone cheated on someone, and they got caught redhanded by the boyfriend who broke the door. So we're all chillin, awkwardly in the living room, and then finally all of the people involved in the drama leave. Nicole asks if we can cuddle on the couch. That leads to hand holding, but that's where it ends because her friend, barb calls her, drunk off her ass. She ends up giving me a hug, and taking barb home.


Well I'm in the Air Force and had to leave a week later for Mississippi for training. They are staying up in Ohio. However, Ruth gave me Nicole's, phone number and we've been texting ever since. Turns out we have a lot of similar interests, and she's a very down to earth person who likes to let loose on the weekends. "Perfect" girl. The only problem is I don't get back to Ohio for another six months. I don't want to start a relationship now that I'm 1,000 miles away, and I bet she doesn't either. If we were already in a relationship then that would be a different story. We haven't mentioned it in our texts, we only talk about little things. Nothing too serious.


Should I bring it up? How do I bring it up? Can a girl stay interested after six months if she's even interested in the first place? Has my personal life fallen victim to the military yet again, or could this thing work out?

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I know that. I just don't know if I should continue texting her ignoring the fact that it could possibly be more, but there's nothing we can do about it right now, or if I should bring up the situation. Well it would be kind of awkward to send a text like that now. We're already "talking", but not about any serious issues.

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You cannot have a relationship built on one night of holding hands with a girl who loves to play!


You will be friend zoned because she isn't going to not date...so she will be dating and you will be texting as though you are her bf.


You know what...instead of asking strangers, just ask her.

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I never intended on being a boyfriend to her through text. I just don't know if I should make my intentions known now, or when I get back is what I'm getting at. My friend talked to his wife for months through facebook before he actually met her. (introduced through her cousin) So obviously it works out for some. In my case I actually met her first. I just want opinions from different perspectives. I don't expect her to not date, and in fact I don't really do long term relationships. I've never had this happen so I'm not really sure what the outcome is going to be: will she still be interested if I keep talking to her after six months, or will she still be interested after I stop talking to her for six months is what I'm really asking I guess.


If I ask her about it then that kind of defeats the whole purpose of trying to decide which route is best. Then I would be stuck on "letting her know now" route.

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No I will be returning for at least another 10-11 months with the possibility of going on a deployment. That's why people in the military basically marry as soon as they can, because they know that person isn't going to be around much longer. In my opinion 10-11 months is enough time to at least get something started.

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