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Reading signals wrong? Am I just fooling myself?


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Hi, long time 'trawler' first time poster


This story begins around October last year (2014), I started working at a placement for University, and started working with a girl from my course a few days a week (she's part-time, I'm full-time, doing the same placement). We've 'known' each other for 2 years but never really spoke or interacted much until we started here. Soon as we actually talked we hit it off really well, it just seemed to click; which never happens with me. Progressively we started hanging out more and more, in a friend setting, usually at least me her then 1 of each of our friends (she'd bring 1 i'd bring 1). Then as we got closer I ran through a 'dark' spot in my life, after a flurry of small bad things happening, a friend killed himself and it was the straw that broke the camels back. I confided in her that I was depressed and what had happened, and with my family going away for Christmas, she (and her family) invited me down to their house for the holidays, and I stayed a few nights; same room, different bed. The long and short is basically that from Christmas we started spending a lot more time with one another, and got a lot closer for obvious reasons.


I knew it was a friendship, and a close one at that, because it's like nothing I've had with anyone before. Since then we've been out a lot more during the weekends, and stayed over at hers - originally it was on the couch/blow up bed, but since then I've been sharing the bed. It started out simply as sharing, retreating to either side of the bed and that was that, but (when she was drunk one night) she was getting a lot closer, and asked for a cuddle. I figured it was just the booze speaking but since then it hasn't stopped, and it kind of escalated as there's 'some' spooning involved. I can't tell if the dynamic of the relationship has changed or not, but I know it's not exactly as though this is a normal thing you do with 'friends'.


We also have people (other friends and family) that comment, things such as saying we'd be good together and twice we've been told we look 'smitten' with one another. One friend said she was 'holding out hope for us' in the sense of getting together.


The big spanner in the works is, before this all started (and I know it sounds quick) we decided for our final year next year we were going to live together. And have literally just signed the contracts for next year. So this adds to it...


Am I just being a tool and reading the situation wrong?

Is it something worth venturing towards? Or am I just kidding myself?

Is it too much of an awkward situation to throw this into? Or should I let it runs it's course? See what happens?


The only problem is I'm crazy shy when it comes to asking the difficult questions, and fear for screwing everything up if it comes out wrong.




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You always miss if you never shoot, so its a win win situation if you ask her out.


If you get dumped, you can go on with your life.

If she says yes, you got a date.


What reward has being shy ever gave you in life? Always go for gold


So just go for the kill and ask her out.

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