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what is something a girl does that makes ya hot?

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I LUV it when chix wear a guys hat. Like if she takes off my hat like a baseball cap or sumthin and puts it on then im like HOLY CRAP UR SEXY, especialy red ones, lol looks so good for sum reaosn. And i also luv it when a girl I like looks me in the eyes when she speaks, usually Ill try and look her in the eyes any ways.

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I would have to go with tan girls, nice legs, preferably blonde hair wearing tanktops, short-shorts, sandals, the usual wear for a girl in the summer I guess. That's one thing I'd like considering my private school background (it blows!).


On the other hand I'd really like a girl that could pull off wearing baggy pants (or shorts)... and actually make it look good and again with the tanktops or tight-fitting shirts. None of the hip-hop dealio though, the punk-rock stuff And girls with lip, tongue, eyebrow, bellybutton piercings, that king of stuff...


I'll bet you find it odd that the same person said both of those different ideas haha

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I like all the "usual stuff"... but I have other triggers that catch my attention. This may sound strange, but I like how girls with long hair do up their hair in such a way that shows their necks. Maybe have a stray bang hanging down in front of their face. So anything like a ponytail, hair done up with clips, a bun... it doesn't always look "relaxed", but I like it!


And yes, love the cute smile and the "bedroom eyes"

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