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question for guyz

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okay this is a question for guyz

lets say you find out a girl likes you and u never really thought about liking her

would you go out with her or would you say no to her because you dont like her

also if you find out that a girl likes you is there a possibility that you start liking her to (if you know the girl already)

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Hey guys just be honest here. If the girl was attractive (which would mean you'd probably already have noticed her but for sake of argument lets say you really hadn't noticed here) you'd go out w/her at least on a date. If not then you probably wouldn't. Let's keep it honest here.

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Well that's basically how things happened with the guy i've been dating for a year now...We worked together for a year and after awhile, I kind of had feelings for him...when I told him he was a little surprised because he hadn't thought of me that way (after a previous relationship with a coworker that just didn't work out, he vowed to never have a relationship with a coworker again- although he changed his mind when he met me) but we decided to go out a few times and here we are a year later.....

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This is exactly how my current g/f asked me out in the first place - she told me after she asked me out that she had wanted to ask me for quite some time. Now on the other hand - I didn't exect ANYTHING like this to come up by her; I didn't really know her, fairly attractive - and the year before, it was like she didn't really like me or something; or.. thats the way she acted towards me.

Anyways, I said yes or whatever and we went out - our relationship is still going pretty strong (4 months @ end of January)

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I'd take things slow and get to know her better, hang out and talk to her more. Not go on an official date, but talk to her more and see if there is anything there. If I get the feeling that something could happen then I would go out with her. If I don't then I'd be honest and say that I just don't have the same feelings for her but would like to remain friends.


And how you look really doesn't have anything to do with it. As I've said before, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. No one is ugly, at least on the outside. Everyone is beautiful in there own way. Even if I'm not initially attracted to the girl physically, I could become more attracted to her as I got to know her better. Looks shouldn't be a consideration, although with some people it is. What matters is who the person is and how well you get along with him or her.

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Your right in saying that you have to find something about the person appealing or things aren't going to get anywhere. But I don't think it's 50/50. I know my view is rare and maybe a bit extreme but I honestly look at it as pretty much 100% personality. When I see someone for the first time I may give a brief superficial glance but after that I'm not thinking about looks, I'm thinking about looks I'm thinking about finding out who the real person is. The girls I've found really attractive I didn't notice there looks at all, it was always there personality that got to me. From there, I saw a physical beauty that I hadn't noticed before.

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