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Is there something wrong with my ex? Feel kind of worried.

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Basically, we were together for a year but it ended last march, due to his temper issues. In the summer we almost for back together, but suddenly he went off with some other woman. I also found out he probably cheated at least once during our time together. Just before Christmas, he got back in touch...no doubt finding himself single again.i stupidly started talking to him again and we began hanging out. Seemed like we would get back together I guess. Then it all went bad again his nana who he lived with died and he has no other family support and not many friends..I tried to be there for him and I was with him one night and saw that he had a dating app with a profile on his phone. To cut a long story short he threw me out of his house and was verbally abusive...I had to wander the streets in the dark for over an hour until I could get a taxi. And he never checked I was ok afterwards. Anyway I guess to treat me like that he just doesn't really care for me..so I left things alone. But after the weekend passed I went back to work and was told that someone had anonymously called them to say I had been using drugs all weekend! All lies obviously and he is the only one I can think of that would do such a thing I haven't upset anyone but him. Luckily my employers have known me for 10 years so didn't take it seriously. But I feel very unsettled by this latest. Why would he behave this way, surely it's not normal? I've maintained my silence with him and heard nothing else.

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Because he's messed up and wants to use you as his punch bag when he feels like it! By avoiding him you removed his ability to do that and he's probably seething at the fact that just maybe you have realized what a complete and utter jerk he us. Get out now whilst you can this guy I messed up and NOT worth a minute of your time!

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