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Is she worth a shot?


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Hey guys, my name is Josh. I am 22 years old. I met a girl in a bar a few weeks ago. She is 25 and going to be a Medical Doctor within a few months. She was actually the one who found me at the bar. We talked that night for a good 40 minutes or so and we arrange to see each other again. So here is what happened the next time I saw her... I took her out for lunch, we had a great conversation, then we go back to her house and watch a movie. I start massaging her and I really can feel her sexual energy. As I massage her I can feel her hips thrusting and she begins to breathe heavily, so at this point she wants sex. I should mention that she is an extremely busy girl and planning a date with her is really hard because she is finishing up med school and that is quite a responsibility. So the night goes on, she mentions that she has to do a little work later that night so I didn't sleep with her, because I wanted to respect the fact that she needed to work. So I start heading towards the door, she grabs my arm and pulls me to her and we start making out. At this point I am in a very good mood. (This happened last Sunday) As days go by I text her, calling her baby, and I share some sexual innuendos with her and she tells me that I am making her blush...I clearly see she is interested in having sex. Here is my problem...After two times of seeing her, I am already beginning to feel attached... I am notorious for falling in love too quickly and this is not good. I ask her that I want to see her this week but she says that she is busy and she doesn't know if she can...she apologizes...but I have no doubt that she is being honest with me...MY QUESTION IS....Should I continue talking to her? Should I continue pursuing her? Did I make a mistake of not sleeping with her that night? She is extremely busy and I just don't know if she is worth my time and effort...Any advice would be greatly appreciated...I should also state that I recently got out of another relationship which was pure hell (my ex had borderline personality disorder) for those of you who don't know what it is, Google it. Thank you guys for reading!


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Only you can decide if she's worth it.


It sounds to me like you think she is, but you're playing it down as a defense mechanism.


You did not ruin anything by not sleeping with her on the second meeting. even if she really wanted it, if she is continuing to text you and has apologized for being busy she is still interested. If you want a healthy LTR then I suggest seeing her a few more times and seeing where things are going before adding sex to the mix.

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Having just come out of a relationship you are at risk of becoming attached and you admit that it's already likely.

You also get the notion that she's busy and has other priorities. Add in the age difference and fact that you sense her sexual energy, I am going to guess that she'd make time for you as a casual/sexual partner.

But I think you already sense this and that's why you are asking.

I agree with LSD. .If you want something more than casual you might consider slowing down and getting to know her better.

I think you will get your answer then.

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