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my mother started taking diet pills not too long ago (a month or two). i hated that she was taking them becuae i never thought that they were healthy. she's always self conscious about her weight, especially since she stopped working out (and yes--she looked GREAT when she did--but she lost the time to do it). she's 46, about 5'2-5'3, and i'd guess her weight is about 145 or so. she's not FAT fat, but she does have extra flab all over. she used to hardly ever eat. she'd skip breakfast and might eat an apple or something for lunch (that is if she even ate lunch) and she'd only eat dinner if she cooked for the whole family. otherwise--she's have a small salad. we are just about as southern as we can be so our food is not exactly healthy around here (really sweet tea--lotsa butter on everything, countlese potato chips..and so on)

also, i recently found out i'm hypoglycemic (my blood sugar gets low--and i need to steer away from sugar, carbs, and starch) so i've gotten my family to buy healthier foo for me--and my mom will eat it with me.


the other day she mentioned that her pants were fitting a little loose, and they were. she does look a little bit better. the next day (wednesday) i noticed that I had gained weight...a pair of pants didn't fit. i was already bigger than i'd like to be, and i already needed to start working out again, but this made me feel terrible. in reaction, and i know i shouldn't have, i took one of my mother's diet pills without her knowing.

that day i felt GREAT. i was just in a really good mood all day, and i didn't munch on stuff like i usually do. i didn't stop eating all together or anything. i just ate more sensibly, and i didn't have those little cravings for something to munch on. the next day, i didn't take another pill because i sorta felt bad for it, and thought it was wrong, but that morning i felt really tired and sick. i dont know if it had anything to do with the pills because there has been something going around at school. i may have had a fever, but i went to school anyway and over time i felt ok again.


in a way i am conviced that these pills may not be as bad as i thought they were, and they do seem to be working for my mother.

but in another way, i know that there are better ways for us both to lose weight....and i know that i shoudln't but i will probably keep taking them until i drop a few pounds, and until it warms up outside so i can't get back into running and such,


my question: are diet pills really that bad? is it ok for us to take them? are they addictive?


any and all input is appreciated

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She needs to go see a nutricionist, at the doctor's office. It is a specialized area to deal with her health issues. Being 45 and just a little over worked and over stressed isn't good for her heart, the diet pills are probably giving her mood swings, right? Friendly one minute, and then angry or depressed the next?? That is also putting excess stress on her heart.

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Diet pills can be a good and bad thing.

Here's my opinion as a nutritionist, some general info on diet pills:

On the plus side, people like them b/c they just take a pill and lose weight.

Unfortuantely, the negatives far outweigh the positives.

Any type of supplemental pill, diet or otherwise, are never as healthy as natural things. (IE Pills used to get more vitamin A, it is better to just eat foods high in Vitamin A) Your body absorbs it better, digests it better, and ultimately in the long term, it will have more evident results.

The same goes for diet pills. People often confuse Supplements for substitutes. Supplements such as diet pills are meant to be used as part of a new diet, not just taken with no diet adjustment used as a substitute for not eating right or exercising. Also, they can only take you so far, they help you lose water weight, but that's it. I have yet to see anyone lose more than 40 lbs. with diet pills. Anything beyond that you have to use the old fashioned way. Plus, they cannot help you strengthen or tone your body. They don't conform to individual bodies based on factors of size, age, height, weight, and physcial limitations(all essential factors in weight loss programs) And the scariest side effect, they are addictive. I have seen lots of clients take them and then continue to take them after they are no longer losing weight with them.

Not only that, but then some people just keep them in their cabinet and pop one every time they gain a little weight. This is extremely unhealthy. I highly suggest that your mother see a nutritionist. Find out what programs are right for her and proceed from there. I would also say that unless she alters her dieting or exercising habits, she should cease using the diet pills until she consults a nutritionist or doctor. (Funny thing is that on labels of most diet pills- it usually says to consult a doctor before use- but most people never seem to actually do that)

When clients come to me and say they are taking a certain supplemental pill, I always ask them first if they have consulted a doctor, 9 times out of ten the answer is no. It is always wise to consult a doctor before you alter your diet severely, or attempt to lose a lot of weight.

So far, the safest most effective way to get rid of weight and keep it off is good old fashioned eating better and exercising. Good rule of thumb- short cut= short term results. Good luck!

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I've read recently that diet pills will work at first, but then your body will get used to them, the pills will stop working, and you'll gain back the weight. So, if you're wanting to use the diet pills, use them, but hurry up and find something else to do, before you gain back the weight.



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