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Girlfriends sex drive has changed


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Hello all,


I just wanted to run this by everyone and see what some of you thought. Me and my girlfriend have known each other about 4 years (been together about 6 months and living together) She has 3 kids who I love and adore. Her Ex-Husband I knew as well but he was more interested in partying and drugs than his wife or children. My GF is very beautiful and I would use the term HOT as she is hit on and approached at the bars very frequently. I do believe that she is truly in love with me and do not one bit question her faithfulness.


Now that I layed out a little background. My GF seems to have a sudden lack of sex drive. This has been happening for about 2 months now. She used to be the primary instigator and she is still very touchy feely, but she seems to not want to have sex but more so have sex when it is "convienient". We pretty consistantly had sex about 2-4 times a week, now it is maybe once every 7-10 days. When we have sex she is very into it and has no problem orgasming. I work a pretty demanding schedule and she used to ask me for sex frequently, now I find myself asking her. Is something wrong?


Anyone have any ideas or insight I would greatly appriciate it, Thanks

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Hello there Mr.Baldy,

Well judgin from what you are saying, I would think that maybe she kind of got bored of being the instigator, and felt that she was the one demanding it, I wouldn't think there is a problem though if you say she enjoys it and loves you. So try to take the relay for a while, like instigate it more often and see how she reacts, if its positive, than she'll understand and return the favor by instigating again. Otherwise, I don't see any other reason to be worried.

Best of luck,

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Hi MrBaldy,


I have to agree with Deckman completely. If I always had to ask for sex or initiate it myself, I would probably lose interest in a big hurry. I think that it should really work both ways. Otherwise, you're probably going to end up with a girlfriend who thinks you're not very attracted to her. If she's "hot" and used to getting hit on, then right now she's probably wondering why the heck you are not trying to initiate things.


Also something else to consider, is that sometimes, sex just isn't #1 on my list. There are weeks when it can be, but for some reason (probably hormones), there are times when I don't feel as interested in sex as I usually do.

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I hate to suggest it but you also might want to look for other warning signs of the relationship deteriorating. When I was having a good relationship with my ex, we had sex almost every other day at the minimum (3-4 times like you said). In the few months before we broke up and especially over the summer she spent with me out west, she'd never want to do it. From other responses on here that I've seen, when someone has a loss of sex drive after a huge sex drive then something else isn't right in the relationship...

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I was not trying to say that she is always the one initiating it, I do about 35% of the time, but a lot of times when I am "in the mood", she may not be, now I kinda hate to put it this way but the sex portion of a relationship is almost always determined by the woman. If a guy wants to have sex, the girl is either with it or not. If a girl wants to have sex, the guy is always with it. Now, I don't in any way see the relationship even hinting at turning south. We have a very strong relationship and I do lots of little things and so does she. Post it note on the mirror in the morning saying I love you, random card for no reason, that kinda stuff comes from both of us frequently. And when she wants to have sex, it is very intense, it has just spanned out less frequently. I know that may be hormones, stress, really anything, I was just seeing if anyone had any ideas or suggestions or insight.



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