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Sometimes I hate being shy... girl I like, kind of typical..


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I'm 14 (15 in July) and I've never had a gf before. There's this one girl I've liked since September (the longest I've ever liked someone) and well I can hardly talk to her and she occasionally talks to me but the conversations sort of slip and die away. I've tried getting her MSN address and her phone number but no luck. She's in my english class and I sit beside her (in individual desks) and I see her in the halls too and I don't even know her last name... can somebody help me?


PS: Average looking, pretty self-conscious, and probably quietest person in the class.

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I know exactly how you feel, I was the same way.

First off, dont think you need to be in a relationship now, you're young. Most people will go to their twenties before having a girlfriend, so dont rush it.


unfortunately I dont think anyone can really give you good advice on this, its a kind of do or dont thing. Sooner or later you have to gather the courage and it builds from there, but you need to take the first step. Tell her you like her, or start talking to her. Trust me, no matter how she feels, she wont be mean about it. She'll be flattered. Regardless of whether or not she returns your feelings you'll feel so much better after telling her, and you'll be ready for a future endeavor. Just go for it, its a turning point in your life, dont be scared nothing "that" bad will come of it, and you'll come out of the situation feeling better about yourself.

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Hey. First off, don't worry about not having a girlfriend or being shy. Plenty of people go until there 20's without a real serious relationship. You are still young and have plenty of time.


From one shy guy to another, you are not alone in how you feel. Talking to a girl you like is the hardest thing a quiet guy faces. It's nerve wrecking and scary. All I can really say is try not to be so nervous. I know it's hard but its not as hard as you may think. Believe in yourself. Think of all the good qualities you have and realize that any girl would be lucky to go out with you. Then, just talk to her. Ask her questions about herself, talk about an assignment, talk about something that you are both interested in. Just talk to her. Try to build up a friendship with her. If things go well and she likes you, then that's great. If she doesn't feel the same then at least you tried. Believe in yourself and just go for it.

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