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advice from the guys

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What could a girl do to make you want her back? My boyfriend and i just broke up and i miss him so much. He had just got out of an engagement 5 months before we started dating. Things were great and were moving real fast and i think he got scared and wanted to slow things down. He said later that he didn't think our relationship was going anywhere. Everytime we were together things were wonderful. I just have a feeling that he is very guarded with his heart in fear of getting hurt again. I have huge feelings for him and would do anything to get him back. I was living with my parents so that was strange. We always had to go out somewhere, but now i have my own apartment. What could I say for him to realize that we need to work things out? I just have this deep down feeling that we are meant to be. He always made me feel happy and i always got so excited and had butterflies in my stomach before i would see him. I just want to know how to get him back without pushing him away.

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unfortunately what we all know as "love" is not infallible. Perhaps it must evolve into "True Love" and that wont be achieved until you proclaim it from your death bed.


If its meant to be you dont have to do a thing, it will be. But dont lose sight of yourself in this man, you're your own person with your own life. I dont think its right to try to make someone want you back, it seems deceitful.


With that said...


While taking good care not to come off as a stalker, show him that you're there for him, and you wont leave just because he "thinks" it what he wants. As a guarded person I can tell you that I push women away in a somewhat manipulative way, but no matter what I say or do I just want them to stay with me, and tell me its alright.

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