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Cleaning face ... need some tips

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I don't break out that bad but I do get the occasional zit here and there and sometimes just small spots but they're not really bumps. What is a good way to stop these from re-occurring and are there any specific ways to clean my face and whatnot. I do have alot of facial hair and wondered if that could be causing any problems such as making my face oily.


- Josh

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Hi Josh,


At your age there is probably not too much you can do to stop zits completely. It may help if stop using regular soap and purchase a proper facial cleansing lotion.


Regular soap is usually too harsh for the face and tends to dry out the skin making your skin then overcompensate by producing oils.


Facial cleansers are designed to clean and moisturise.

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using witch hazel as an astringent/toner helps too...just swish a little over your face with a cotton ball after you wash your face. I'm 39, and I barely had problems with breakouts when I was your age, while most of the members of my family had serious acne with terrible scars...I think the witch hazel helped. OH, and I still use it and people think I'm 27 or so instead of 39.


Hope this helps!

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using witch hazel as an astringent/toner helps too...just swish a little over your face with a cotton ball after you wash your face.

That's a very good idea-- try doing that.

Since I'm female, and well.. do not have facial hair, I'm not sure if your facial hair has something to do with it or not.

You should try out different facial washes until you find one that isn't too drying but still works, and wash your face 2-3 times a day. That's what I do. When you wake up, sometimes in the afternoon if you've touched your face (you should avoid touching you face) or have been out or are sweating, and when you go to bed.

Also, drink lots of water-- that helps as well.

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If you having trouble with your face one thing that really works yea its going to sound a little crazy but it woks.....at night befor you go to bed put a little dab of toothpaste on the areas that are infected or put it on you whole face! then in the morning just wash your face with soap and water and im telling you it really works! i swear by it

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When I was your age, I tried almost everything, washed my face twice a day and still got the occasional zit. I don't think that there is much you can do to stop them completely. Zits, at your age, are usually just your hormones causing them.


Something to really make a habit of is washing your hands religiously. You know that garbage that you will hear about eating junk food causing zits? It does, but it's the GREASE on your hands that ends up on your face that is to blame - not the food itself in your stomach.

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