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I don't understand my exs behaviour,please help?


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We were together a year both in our early thirties. I thought he loved me. But he displayed some pretty angry behaviour a couple of times which I didn't like and after one such incident we ended up breaking up, really because he couldn't apologise or admit he was even wrong. A few months later he got back in touch, and I thought we would get back together. And then he completely changed his fine and said he wanted to be on his own. Then I found out he had someone else. So I just let them get on with it although I felt so hurt.it ended between them in September. Well now another 3 months along and he got back in touch again, sent me a card and was texting ringing saying he wants to see me etc. We ended up meeting up and he was texting all day again seemed really interested. Now for the past two or three days he's not texting as much or seeming very interested..I feel so confused I just don't know what to think. What is he trying to do? Surely it's not someone else again? Can't believe I've fallen for it again

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Your the back up girl simple as that really.


Why are you settling for being someone's option when you could be someone's everything?


Men are hunters we chase and when we know what we want we go for it. He doesn't know what he wants, he's just playing the field instead of dealing with his anger issues.


What are you getting out of this expect more heartbreak. Time to let him go figure things out on his own.

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Yeah I feel as though I'm just being messed about. I don't think he is a genuine person after all I wish I hadn't been sucked back in. Do you think I am best off telling him how I'm feeling it ignoring any contact he might make? I don't think he really cares about me. I recently lost my car license and I'm struggling lots with transport. He hasn't once offered to give me a lift anywhere, and I thought if he really was genuine he would have at least done that. Just my head feels all over the place with everything.

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I wouldn't bother telling him how you are feeling gaynor honestly ....from the vibe I am getting it would be water off a ducks back right now .


but if he does touch base with you again ...... then tell him to just leave you alone .


And I agree about the car ...he isn't interested in what is going on for you ..It's awful isn't it , I really feel for you .

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Yeah I don't like asking people for stuff, but it just seems he doesn't care. He was pretending to in the beginning. It was only Saturday night he was asking if I wanted to go out somewhere on the Sunday. I refused cos I just didn't have the time. If he really wanted to see me he would make proper plans. I was gonna say something along the lines of "it's not healthy for me to be in touch with you. All these texts just lead nowhere" but I think maybe will just completely ignore him. Doesn't look as though we will ever get the relationship back that we had.

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Yeah I don't like asking people for stuff, but it just seems he doesn't care. He was pretending to in the beginning. It was only Saturday night he was asking if I wanted to go out somewhere on the Sunday. I refused cos I just didn't have the time. If he really wanted to see me he would make proper plans. I was gonna say something along the lines of "it's not healthy for me to be in touch with you. All these texts just lead nowhere" but I think maybe will just completely ignore him. Doesn't look as though we will ever get the relationship back that we had.



if he starts to pester you again then yes , thats a good text ..but end it with a "so dont contact me again" your text was open at the end thus giving him reason to challenge your words ..which he may do anyway ... and when he does ..just go into ignore mode ..no matter how much he baits you .

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You know, don't even bother trying to understand. He is obviously not interested (maybe he is just afraid of being alone and comes to you when he has no one else, whatever). Don't waste your time on this.


Oh and in case you do take this advice and disappear from his life and then he suddendly does start getting interested again (you know, some people only chase what they can't have), don't let him sweet talk you into getting back together again.

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