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Dear 11Flower:

First off, I'm sorry if I have offended you. That was not my intention.

I actually really empathize with you. I was not blessed with very large boobs(like you I'm not flat but very small) and I understand the frustration. I know that we are different people and our ideas may be different but I really want to share this with you:

I was constantly teased in school(and in work, they got reported) for having super small breasts. Folks told me I did not look like a woman, I'd never get a guy until my boobs got bigger, etc. And it was frustrating b/c there's not a whole lot short of surgery that you can do. Now I consider myself to be fairly pretty, but I got this idea that I would only be really beautiful or look like a woman once my breasts got larger. I thought about surgery, etc, but in the end I realized it wasn't for me. I did everything I could, though. I got push up bras, padded bras, everything. One day I was at Victoria's secret and saw those "fake boobs" that you can stick in your bra to make you look bigger. Well, I thought I'd try them on to see how it felt to have big boobs, and you know I was surprised at my own reaction.

I did not look any prettier, or more womanly, nothing really changed about how I looked to myself- I still looked like me- just with bigger boobs. I didn't feel any better either. Since then I had realized I needed to work on my self- esteem. And I learned to love my small boobs, my bf loves them b/c they are me, regardless of how big they are.

Now I know we are different but:

Maybe you should try falsies for a while and see how you really feel before resorting to surgery.

Now in regard to what you said about haircuts and makeup- true there could be confidence issues there too- but the difference between that and surgery is at the end of the day you can take off the makeup or undo the hairstyle. If you decide you don't like the implants, it means another operation.

All I'm really saying is to make sure surgery is the right thing for you before you do it- if in the end you decide you want to- then hey, more power to you.

For myself, I learned that a woman does not need big breasts to be womanly or beautiful. Good luck.



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Anyone who uses make-up, dresses up real nice and gets haircuts could be said in this case to have a confidence issue. So you see how rediculous the statement is that implants, which is merely a cosmetic procedure to alter physical appearance has to do with confidence issues is rediculous


I don't agree with this. Make up and clothes are all NON SURGICAL procedures which have a minimal effect on the body. Implanting foreign bodies like implants is a serious operation and puts your body under considerable stress. You have to repeat surgery every 10 years. If something goes wrong and you have to remove them you are left with 2 saggy sacs on your chest (look up some pics on internet if you don't believe me).


Implants belong in the same body modification category as chinese foot binding or neck lengthening. We see these practices as barbaric yet what about what we are doing with our bodies.


So no, I don't agree with you at all on this point.

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In the last post the first paragraph is a quote by the way. I just haven't mastered how to quote people yet on the computer.


The way you guys talk it is like having small breasts is a disability or somehow not beautiful. Your attitudes towards small breasts are either that it is something you should change or else something you should grin and bear (ie something bad but something you must put up with).


I don't think this is right at all. Breasts come in all different shapes and sizes, and all have their charms.


Let me speak for the charm of small breasts: they are youthful and perky, feminine and soft. Lean and delicate. streamlined and neat. Mine have small little nipples like buds which I find exquisite. They are subtle and refined.


Im proud of mine. I reckon they rock.


I have met men that love my flat chest. Honestly.


Don't listen to what the media tries to tell you is beatiful or "normal". Fashions change all the time eg In the 1920's people used to strap down their boobies to make them smaller.


Stroke your small boobies and love them.

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What you said does make sense. In fact I recently saw in a magazine that there is some sort of campaign here in the states that goes against the grain of what is beautiful cosmetically and what isn't. In the magazine were pictures to include an extremely flat chested but beautiful younger black woman. You could see the exhuberance she emulated just from the picture. This of course denotes more beauty and attractiveness than large breasts on an unhappy woman.


While my breasts aren't even medium, they are small but my husband calls them "perky" because they still have some shape although I have breastfed 3 kids and they've drooped some! LOL!! Yuck. In fact, now that I think of it, I have been told that I have beautiful breasts before by others (men) who have seen them, though they aren't big.


I have seen the complications associated with breast implants on the net, and they are not pretty by any means.


In a book I have by Dr. Christianne Northrup, an OB/GYN, new age thinker and somewhat alternative medicinal practitioner, she also has extremely small breasts she said. She said she couldn't find a bra made to even fit into. Also she mentions something similar to what you said. "Thank your breasts for being part of your body and learn to appreciate them for how and what they are and why they're there." It sounds rediculous, what I just stated. But I get this point with regard to the psychological aspect we're all discussing .


Lastly, I'd have to find the book to quote verbatim but she alludes to the fact that because so many men are underbreast fed or not at all, which nourishes body and spirit of human mammals, there is a fixation on large breasts. What it may make men feel more secure to have breasts to suck on during sex, (pardon me), they overemphasize that this is what they like sexually.


thereforeeee I appreciate everything all of the guys said in this thread.

I have been talking with a man recently and he says he likes larger breasts if they're there. I haven't gotten an answer from him whether or not he was actually breastfed or not. LOL!


Sorry for the lenthiness of this post.


More to come to others who replied. I appreciate you all so much!



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Im too small for a bra so it sounds like you are bigger than me.


I suggest you go out there and feel a pair of salines before you get your heart set on implants. Get your husband to as well.


A good example of somebody who is small and beautiful is Kate Moss. Look at some piccies of her. Imagine her with large breasts. I don't think she would look half as good. What about aris Hilton? Her breasts are just lovely. Gwen Stefani also looks hot and sexy with her small ones.


But, of course, it is up to you. Im not trying to convince you merely trying to defend small ones cos I like em and im sick of people picking on them.

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Another example is that lead singer in the rock group...oh I forgot the name. But she is a gorgeous blond, married to the drummer, and prances around the stage singing. Has a totally flat chest. It's like though her individual beauty is what you see rather than just looking at her chest and saying, "Wow, she's flat!" She's a great performer and good singer. This is an example that large breasts aren't what make a woman beautiful only.



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Hi Yorkrose,


Thanks for the explanation. That's cool! I appreciate your points of view anyhow.


I don't know where to find falsies. But I find paddeds all the time, as well as gel boobs. Since I work out, I don't want much weight on there. I'd have to go for a smaller enhancement.


I think it's wise of you and others who like yourselves the way you are.


Who knows, maybe I'll get there, or get back to when I used to vow I'd NEVER get such an operation.


Well you've all helped a lot. I have more to ponder now.



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That's cool. But if you look at pictures of implants which are done well, they can look pretty natural. I mean, the one getting the surgery doesn't always have to get EE size, you know. That, to me, is when implants can look fake.


I think implants can be proportioned to body size.


Beside, what would you do if you had a small-chested wife or gf who was opting to get this procedure? Being a "breast-man", as you say, would you be against her getting it?



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A question for you guys. But anyone please do comment with opinions about this if you will.


I am wondering what most guys think about this for women. I did read about this from another forum at this site. But I would like to know again directly.


What do you guys think about breast implants? Do you prefer that women not have breast implants because it's unnatural? Do you prefer large breasted women with implants, or small breasted/flat chested women with breasts all her own?




I think the woman should do what she's happy with. Personally, I dont focus on women's breasts as much as any other guy would. I am interested in the whole woman--personality, looks, and otherwise. I'll accept them for who they are, too. Black, White, religious difference, big or small breasts, it doesnt matter, really.

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