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Being sad all the time sucks

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You know what i used to hate feeling???




Its definitly feeling sad and i've been sad for about a year and a half straight.I tell myself gte more involved meet new people get out more and look at life at a totally diffrent perspective and weeeeeeell that lasts for a week to im sittin all alone in my bedroom feeloing lonely losing my boyfrined and my best friend of 6 years And it feels like i am because i dont think they can stand beign around me.My boyfriend has already told me im so negetive and im always brekaing down and i thought as my boyfriend he would support me and help me but thats not happenign so that why this has continued and my best friend hates my boyfriend -Hes never doen anythign to her but be nice but she i think is jealouse and liek offended by him i get this weird feeling so yea she doenst talk to me about thigns and she doesn ttry to help and all the trest of my friends are gone to college and well quite frankly im a mess



I wish i knew what to do i mean my life is unraveling before me....

Im to scared and embarrassed to admit that i have depression or go see a doctor about it even though i think everyone knwos i have it. I KNOW i have it im always so moody and i cry and make a big deal about things that are nothing i never use to be this way ive always been moody but not this bad and well im umm gettin scared....Cause i feel so damn lost and lonely.I could be in a room with 2000 peope and still feel lonely can't always get what you want,but if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need"

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well the first thing is that depression is not a "thing" its an idea or a belief in your self that you have put much emotional emphasis on.


im not going to tell you what you need, instead i will offer you alternatives which you may wish to adopt or not, its up to you. unlike a lot of other people they will all tell you that you need drugs and/or a "therapist" or "councilor" to make it all better for you. i cant stand people telling me that i need a councilor so i wont consider that.


you may think that im having a go at you, not true. i too am facing tough times. parental divorce, rejected by the girl i love, close friends death and the list goes on.


simply dwelling on it will not work. you have make a decision and take action. i too live in the dark with few friends, little self worth and not much of a life. but ...

you have to want to change. you have to know what you want and how to get it. it seems that you want happiness. think back. what brought you happiness? what were you doing? who was there? etc... try to replicate this.

or you could find someone else who has what you want and ask them how they got to where they are? where did they fail? and try to replicate it that way.


if you have no will or drive to change then what you have at the moment is all you will ever have. its all up to you, life is what you make it. i havent made much of my life to date, but i intend to.

change can happen in an instant. but you need to take action, long term action to keep it going.


at the moment im reading into

Neuro Associative Conditioning (NAC) its a step by step process that can condition your nervous system to associate pleasure to those things you want to continuously move toward and pain to those things you need to avoid in order to success consistently in your life without constant effort or willpower.


you may think its a heap of crap but its working for me so learn more if you wish. its up to you. if you just need to vent or to talk to anyone im also here. PM, email me. im willing to listen, people do care.


- mr sad

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