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I read this every Day !

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When we fear that we are not good enough, not attractive enough, not smart enough, not rich enough not educated enough or not talented enough, we often will develop unhealthy attachments to people, circumstances and things. We literally do not believe or feel that we deserve to have someone want us as much as we want them, or that we cannot have the things in life that we want, because we have developed a limiting belief that we tell ourselves to justify our dysfunctional behavior and model of the world. Subconsciously we develop unhealthy belief systems that justify whatever it is that we feel we are lacking in life. Then, when we encounter people and circumstances that are a match and justify that false and limiting belief, we hold onto them trying to force things because they are aligned with our belief system. The only way to overcome unhealthy attachments is to let go of them and dare others and circumstances to let us go. If they let us go, then guess what? It was not meant to be. The right people and circumstances will effortlessly fill the spaces that you have created in your life for them. The wrong ones will be full of effort, frustration and difficulty and never stick around long term. Things that dissolve in your life dissolve because they are not aligned with your destiny

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