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Husband and ED


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How old is he, and is he on any medication? There are many medical conditions that can cause this (diabetes, blood pressure issues, artery or nerve damage due to age or disease, various medications). So he needs to get evaluated by a doctor because it could be a medical condition needing treatment. And if he's over 40, he might need Viagra to help with that because many men do lose that ability with age and need medication to perform.


If you've eliminated medical issues, then he could be depressed, or have something on his mind, anything from not getting along with you right now and hence it impacts his feeings for you, to having an affair and feeling guilty about it.

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How old is he, and is he on any medication? There are many medical conditions that can cause this (diabetes, blood pressure issues, artery or nerve damage due to age or disease, various medications). So he needs to get evaluated by a doctor because it could be a medical condition needing treatment. And if he's over 40, he might need Viagra to help with that because many men do lose that ability with age and need medication to perform.


If you've eliminated medical issues, then he could be depressed, or have something on his mind, anything from not getting along with you right now and hence it impacts his feeings for you, to having an affair and feeling guilty about it.

He is 34 and i am 33. He is not on any medication and is quite fit. He works as a Tradie so his job us physical but not stressful.


No, we are not fighting or mean to each other.


He is definitely not having an affair as i have passwords to everything of his i.e. phone, emails, social media etc.

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If there is no affair, how come you have a thread asking for books on how to deal with infidelity? So much of sex is mental, if there are trust issues, this is one way it will present itself.

His affair was over 4 years ago (no sex affair). We have moved passed this and he has done everything to make this marriage work and i have no reason to doubt him.

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His affair was over 4 years ago (no sex affair). We have moved passed this and he has done everything to make this marriage work and i have no reason to doubt him.


Yet last month you were asking for books on how to cope with cheating.


I only mention this because the mind is the one thing you can't fool. If there is a secret, a grudge, a disconnect....it will surface in the bedroom.

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