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Well she told me today she wants to be friends.

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After thinking about it for nearly a week she told me today that she just wants to be friends. I simply warned her that while I was willing to try and would like to be friends I said I think it will be hard. She said that she agrees but wants to give it a shot. Now as you all know I still have feelings for this girl. Why? I don't know but that is not the reason I am here. Before anybody tells me I should move on let me say this: If I see another girl that I like I'm going to date her, I'm not going to let this one slow me down.


Now to my question. I would like to get her back and right now I see this as her taking a break from me to explore what else is out there. She obviously wants to remain friends, because it was her idea. What should I do to give her a chance to come back to me? It sounds desperate but to me its not. I guess what I'm asking is when we are out as "friends" does it hurt to put my arm around her if shes cold or something like that?

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ok.... so I won't tell you to move on


Have you tried to "sweep her off her feet?" You know... bring her flowers, take her on a super romantic date, write her poetry to tell her how special she is... go all out. Make her feel loved and adored. Tons of romance. It just may work. If you want her back that badly, go for it.


If that doesn't work, then if you start dating other women, she may get jealous and realize that she really wants you, and that she made a horrible mistake by giving you up.


If these things don't work, then, unfortunately, you'll just have to accept her friendship.


Good luck! Let us know how it works out!

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It's really hard for anyone to tell you that!


I mean, We all have friends on different levels. Some friends you just party with and such, others you can tell everything you think about.


I think the best judge of what is taking to far should really be you, because we don't know the finer details of your new friendship. But if you just ended a relationship, and are just trying the friend thing, I would try not to be to physical for a bit.


Good luck man!

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