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Today was a hard day

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for some reason, i woke up this morning feeling very down. it's weird because lately i've been feeling stronger and happier with this whole time apart situation. but today, i feel so sad again. i miss him so much and i feel so empty. gosh, am i going back to how i was last month? i really wish he can just at least contact me to let me know how things are on his end. how he feels and thinks about us.


sometimes i wonder if it does get easier because it's hard to lose someone you love.

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Hi Pal,

It is hard to lose someone u love, esp when he walks away. But it is easier to tell urself that u let him go, and he opens the door and shut it behind him.


If he loves someone, would u tell that someone directly how hurt u felt?? The crucial point is here.


Thanks for reading..

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Hey, honey. I know exactly how you feel, and I promise you, it's normal. It's really hard to deal with a breakup and sometimes you have crappy days. You'll feel better later, I promise. Go out with your friends - or stay in with your friends and watch a chick flick and eat chocolate. It'll help, trust me.


Feel better. I'm going through the same thing you are.

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~Hey Sweetsparkle~


It's weird isn't it? Just when you think you're doing better, all of a sudden, WHAM, you wake up in a funk. I can definitely relate.


There are ups and downs, and I find that the morning is the absalute worst! I don't know why that is, perhaps because you wake up alone, and it just reminds you of what you once had.


The first month or so will be more of the same. Some days you'll feel great, like things are finally moving forward, and then some days you'll miss the ex like crazy and think about them incessantly.


I can say though, in all sincerity, that it will get better. But when it's fresh, it takes time.


Hang in there, and cherish those good days!

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Hi Sweet,


I'm sorry you are having a tough time right now. I def. have up and down days too, plus you are struggling with whether or not to write back to your ex, so he's been more on your mind than usual.


Try to understand that it is normal to have ups and downs and give yourself the luxery of grieving without guilt, you care very deeply for this guy and it's only natural for you to still feel sad about things being as they are.


My ex is going to a christening today of his best friend's baby girl who I love and would have been going with him if not for the breakup..... some days are harder than others, but you are so strong and you will make it through this, I promise!



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