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is he interested? what should I do here?

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I posted on here a bit ago about this situation, but here it is, updated.


ok, so oddly enough 2 months ago I was on here posting about my broken heart. things have happened since that have really pushed me to get over him. so ive been living it up this xmas break. I turned 21, starting going out and socializing a lot, having the time of my life.


now I have developed this huge crush on this boy. two years ago we dated briefly. he was pursuing me hard. I think he really wanted a relationship with me. at the time I was unsure. I still was having lingering feelings for an ex, and I wasnt really sure if I wanted to date anyone. plus I was pretty naive and intimidated because he was a bit older and was mr. fun party guy and I was very very shy. so during our time of dating, I think he got the sense I only wanted to be his friend and nothing more. so he just sorta ended it. I was sad about it, because I had realized my mistakes and sort of realized that I really did like him a lot and had pretty much blew it. I'd seen him around a lot since. we ran into eachother pretty often and have always been very friendly. even when I was with my last boyfriend, when I saw him out I couldnt help but feel a tiny bit of a crush on him.


cut to this xmas, at his annual xmas party. I hadnt seen him in awhile and it was just really good to see him. he seemed really happy to see me. and made a point to smile at me and talk to me a lot of the night. then as I was leaving he invited me to his new years party. then I talked to him about my 21st bday coming up. and he was like "if i had your number I would call you and tell you happy birthday" so I gave it to him. and he did actually call me and wish me a happy bday, which I was surprised.


then new years eve me and my friends went to his party. he got me a drink, then sat next to me and put his arm around me and asked how I have been doing, and we talked for a moment. I got a little tipsy and was being kinda silly and talking loudly to my friend. at one point i was talking about my recent ex and said something like "hes an alright person, but not the one for me" and he like chimed in from accross the room and was like "you are soo right" and i was like "im not talking to you" and we both laughed. i think i was being a little touchy with him, because i tend to be like that when ive been drinking. when i had to use the restroom he said hed hold a place in line for me and he did. thats all i really remember about that night.


so then last night i was bored and all of my friends decided not to go out. so i called him and he was like "whats up?" and i was like "nothin,im bored, all my friends crapped out on me". and he told me he was doing something-or-another with the guys. and i was like "ah well, thats cool" and he was politely like, "you're free to join us if you'd like." but it was clearly not something id want to do. so i was like "ah, ok, well thats all i wanted really". then he was like, "yeah thats what we're doing. but i'll call you.." and i was like "yeah you can call me if you want, ill probably be here". now that i think about it, i dont know if he meant call me that night or just a vague call me sometime.


then tonight i see him at this show. me and my friend were standing near the door and she spots him and yells for him. he comes over and gives us both quick hugs. he says that they (him and his friends) were leaving and they were going to go chill at his house. he said "good seeing you guys. you guys can stop by if you want". for some reason this interaction made my heart sink.


do you think my calling him turned him off or something? he seemed really interested before. did I do something wrong? I mean, i guess I can't read too much into one little interaction when he was getting ready to leave. I shouldnt call him again should I? i should wait for him to call me. otherwise just let the whole thing go. I really really like him and would love another shot at dating him. and it has nothing to do with filling this void where my current ex was or needing to have someone. I just really like him a lot.


any thoughts? tips?

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Hmmm......hmmmmm...........(signals attempt at deep thought)


From my perspective, I think it might have just been the situation, and it's not as bad as you might think it is. If he had been showing interest in you up to that point, I wouldn't read too much into his interaction when you were with your friend.


I would say, wait for him a few days, then give him a call if he doesn't. Ask him how he's doing and what's been happening in his life, then you'll get your real answer when he chimes in to keep the conversation going. Big key: If a guy likes you, he will do everything in his power to keep conversation going (as long as he isn't shy, but he doesn't seem it).


Be carefree and relaxed about it, I'm convinced he'll come panting 8)

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I don't know the full details but my best guess is that the guy is doing the same thing he did before with you. You dated him in the past and then he eventually realized you two should just be friends. He might still be thinking that you aren't ready for a relationship and has decided not to pursue you again.

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so during our time of dating, I think he got the sense I only wanted to be his friend and nothing more. so he just sorta ended it.


Actually, I think what the situation was, was that he realized she was more into just having a friendship (or so he thought), so he cut it off. Am I wrong on that assumption?

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