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Intro, know bout her, now wht!! (girls..)


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ok heres the situation....i meet a new girl...we talk, introduce ourselves, im usually questionin them about themselves. She also has a webcam, btw this is all happening on MSN. So we see each other, now after the intros the convos go to hey>hey>whts up>nm>u?>nm...then just a long space and then usually just ends...sometimes i gtg so i say bye and she says bye after like a 30min block of silence. So im wonderin wht can i talk about after the intros...we have webcams can we do anything wit them...(not thinkin bout cybersex or anythin like that...lol)

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I have the same sort of problem, except the I actually see the girl everyday at college and have gone out with a couple of times. But then when we talk on MSN she hardly says a thing, or i'll say hi and talk for ten minutes and then nothing. I think this is just because she doesn't really talk online much in general but in person she's totally different.


I'm not sure if meeting her is really aplicable or appropiate yet but, maybe you could just bring up things like 'Have you seen (film) yet?', if she says no then you could always ask if she wants to go see it.

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Talk about anything. What would you say if you were talking in person? Ask her about hobbies and interests, how her day went, what she's learning about in school, what movie or show she's watched lately... anything that gets a conversation going. When she asks you what's up, actually give an answer instead of saying nothing. Tell her about something that's interesting in your life. Unless she is rude or really shy she should ask you about it. Also, don't ask yes or no questions or settle for one line answers like "cool" or "nothing much." Try to draw her into talking.

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bout the callin....we barely talk in school partly to the fact that i dont sit next to her in any of my classes with her and even before school shes usually with her girlfriends upstairs or just hasn't come to school. So i dont have her number....and asking for it would be kind of ocward becuz we barely talk at school...and on msn things don't know too well.

Except im kinda good at school(meaning marks) so she does once in a while ask me questions about wht were doing or something like that but it only lasts for a couple minutes...any more suggestions...that should answer some of ur questions...

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ok well...this is applyin to 2 different girls..lol

one at my school and on online...

but the thing is that whenever she goes to the movies its with a bunch of friends...i've been to the movies wit her once a couple weeks ago when some of my friends were goin wit hers...thing is the guys and girls walk seperatly so its looks weird if i go up to the girls and all the other guys are behind me...and even when we got into the theatre all the guys sat at a row in front of me and all the girls on my row...i managed to sit beside her...she said how she hated the movie...and that she wasnt scared (we were watchin "the grude") and ya so the rest of the movie went by...we didnt talk much and then we went walkin around the mall...some how me and a friend got separated from the other guys and were wit her and 2 of her friends....but i still didnt have the guts to talk to her...and then they just went around some stores shoppin and then i went home....so sad i know....anywayz this is all about the girl i goto school with....so any ideas

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I can see what you mean about guys and girls walking separately. That happens at college, but it's different for me, cos I used to goto an all boys school, so i'm used to just standing with whoever is around.


Although they may separate into two groups, it doesn't look that odd if you go and stand with the girls, it also shows that you are interested in her.


I'm assuming you are in america, so being from England I don't know how your school system works. But you should try and talk to her at break or lunch time in the common room, or wherever she goes at lunch times.

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