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plz help me i am getting obssess over jealousy

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If you have a gf(A) who is sweet, soft, charming, smart, pretty, goody two shoes and athletic, imagine wat would u feel! Actually i am fine wit that but since i like 2 guys all in different time ( hey i ain't playgal) and guess wat all my crushes have to like her. I know she is every guys dream gal but why can't i be born like her. I am so jealous of her not only she steal all my crushes addition to that she is so likeable and popular. All the gals and guys in class just wanna be near her . Worse still she is my clase friend. Because of that i started to try being like her. I put a fake soft voice like she do and more. Now i kinda feel disgusted with myself.Though i tried all ways to be like her i still don't get what i want. Help me plz! Before my friendship with her will be ruin and help me stop my obssession to be like her.

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I do NOT want to be judgemental in any way but why would you want boys flocking you? If there is only one person out there that is right for you don't you think that you will eventually come together anyway? I dunno, maby i am a little byast. I have 1 friend. He is basicaly the only person i talk to outside my family. But, anywho, i think you should just be yourself...thats who you are, and ppl will respect you for being you. I hope this helps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you continu that way you'll destroy yourself, jealousy is the biggest default in someones personality. It will eat you from the inside and you dont know anything about it. Try to think logically what you can do to change your situation. And that's cool to have 2 crushes at the same time.


Peace jess gurl



Jeff l. Spiegel

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  • 3 weeks later...

I seriously hope you can get this under control. If not you'll eventually loose all your friends and sit alone in your room all week wondering why people don't answer the phone if they see your number on the ID, don't return your calls or hang up the phone on you. happened to a friend who was in a similar situation, her family even lies and goes out with out her because if anything good happens to anyone she feels the need to spite them and make them feel bad about it. it didn't start until a year ago but it quickly took over her whole life, first she was competing over things like what stores people go in etc then she was cutting people out of her life completely even when there was no argument because she thought her moral standards were better, and she would lie if she came up short. hope the same doesn't happen to you

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