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My girlfriend and i have been together for about 5 months. We had a really relaxed and casual relationship and it was alot of fun i really liked it. She was always really curious about me lol in more ways than my personality and loved messing around. Well as things got more serious we talked about giving our virginity to each other. At first she said no way she was waiting until she got married which was cool, i completely dropped the subject and we went on for a few weeks not even mentioning sex. Then she comes back with it all of a sudden and says lets do it. That confused me so i said sure ok? lol well we DID end up doing it (twice a month apart so sex still wasn't a huge deal)

My question is this, its been 2 months since we first had sex and shes still playing these games with me. She'll say ok we cant do it anymore unless we get engaged, but the next day she'll come back with eh i want to so bad! lets do it this weeked. Etc etc etc you get my picture, im all for not talking about it if she doesnt want to do it because its pretty obvious she doesnt want to because shes scared of me leaving her and her being pregnant (btw what are the odds of a girl on birthcontrol becoming pregnant without me ever ejaculating inside of her?) but when i tell her i don't want to talk about something that isnt going to happen she just says, "why you dont think we're going to be engaged?" and THAT makes me feel bad...i just want to know what to tell her about sex since shes so day to day with it, does anybody else have any experience with this problem? any help would be appreciated.



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alot of girls feel the way she does, myself included, but not to that extreme...i've never acted lie that. i've just sort of thought "maybe i shouldn't have sex anymore..."

she's worrying about the consequences of having sex AFTER you have sex. everyone gets horny, and i'm sure you and this girl both understand that much. if it makes her feel this bad afterwards, maybe you should try to stop her, or do other things instead (yeah...i know it will be REALLY hard).


to her...sex is all fun and games until afterward she realizes what could actually happen. i know you both relaly want to have sex, but judging by her feelings and actions, i don't think she's ready.

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i've been this girl - but i was also much too young at the time. My thoughts are eventually she will come around, once she realizes that 17 year old relationships don't last 90% of the time. If shes SERIOUS about waiting till marriage you need to have a talk with her about this. Tell her that she needs to be serious about that and you respect that, but she can't go back and forth. I think the reason why she does this is she is just very confused - she has good intentions, but in the heat of the moment, or a sudden urge can change her mind. This often happens. She should not be worried about getting pregnant really, because as long as she is on the pill, and you are not ejaculating in her, she is probably ok. Although I would advise condom use for the first while. Don't give her false promises about getting engaged and all that kind of thing, because I'm telling you, it just doesn't happen. My boyfriend and I almost got engaged when I was 17, and I would tell anyone NEVER to do that. Anyway, I'm sure she'll get over this phaze - one way or the other. But I think you need to sit her down and make her decide which one she wants - but you need to be supportive either way, because when it comes right down to it, it is a decision SHE needs to make.

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