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i do not understand!!!!!!


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Ok...I like this girl who I liked since september. She is cute and smart but never talks to me...and I have a feeling she pays no attention to me or is just shy....I gave her a christmas present...a tree (small non real one) with leaves made out of amber and the foundation of a cool stone.....when i came up to her and said "Hey Sara, this is for you." She got kinda red, took it, and left through another door.....she might have said something but it was too low to hear..then...today after swimming she was coming down the stairs cause she forgot something in the locker room and i was coming up from the locker room and i was going to say bye or see you tomorow but she looked down as if on purpose so i don't know...in music we sometimes look at each other but not for long...even i sometimes look away...i would be more courageous if there werent so many "cool" people in my school who will laugh at me........but i still dont understand her............please help...im going crazy here.....i can't work, i can't study...all i do is think about her and trying to crack this "mystery" please help.........

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Haha...she's either extremely shy or extremely FREAKED out by you...


Maybe you can find out which it is by seeing how she acts around other people...if she's really shy and acts the same around other people, maybe it has nothing to do with you and it just takes her a while to get comfortable around people. If so, you should keep trying to talk to her. If she keeps ignoring you, I would give it up. If it's not the first option (her shyness), then she's probably not interested.

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I color-coded it so it's easier to make an analysis:




-You know what this means? YOU have to initiate the conversation! Maybe she is very quiet and shy and if you talk to her, she'll talk back. She'll feel good that someone went up and started talking to her even though she is quiet. Talking to her is the only way you wil lreally know anything. If you talk to her and then it seems she pays no attention to you, then you may be in some trouble. But you gotta talk to her first or nothing is gonna happen.


-If it was expensive, I don't know if I would have done it (I don't know how much it costs). If you get her a present, it has to be based on how much you know her, not how much you "like" her. It appears you don't really know her well enough based on your description (like talking to each other), and she was very surprised at the gift. She could have been a little shocked and didn't know what to do.


-There are two ways of "looking down." If it looks like she did it on purpose, that's bad. This would involve her walking really fast and looking down for a bit until you passed her. But if she was looking at you and glanced down for a split-second, she could be nervous and perhaps like you. But people look in all different directions all the time, so it's not a big deal.


-In music, you two stare at each other. Now based on how you wrote it, you stare at her A LOT . This may be creeping her out a little if everytime she looks up, ur face is there (think about it). You have to look away more often, even if you don't want to. It makes you look more "normal" as compared to staring at her like a stalker.


-Don't let them get to you. They'll mostly bark, not much bite. Think of them as the media - they can talk and you can ignore them. Don't worry about what they think, don't let them determine your fate. In fact, if you don't really know/see them, they won't do much, if anything. Worst comes to worst, you can laugh along with them or ignore them. Just don't say something you'd want to take back.


Don't do this - it will lead to disaster! Only bad things can happen if all you can think about is her. Take up some activities or just get her off your mind for a little while. Think of other things. You don't want to be obsessed and if you think about her ALL THE TIME, you're in trouble.


So what's my take? I don't think she "likes" you...yet. You see, you have to TALK to her. Be witty and outgoing. Be comfortable. When you do this, the truth starts to leak out a little bit from her on whether she likes you or not. If she does, great! IF not, look around and pursue another girl - there are many out there. And I'm pretty sure she knows you like her b/c u tend to stare at her a bit and u gave her that christmas present.


Good luck!

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it wasnt very expensive..i got it in poland...stuff costs cheaper there...here it wouldv cost about 50-60 dollars candian, i got it for like 20


i think she was surprised..plus she didn't show it to any of her friends cause no one mentioned it the next day


she did look at me but then looked away.


i dont stare..its just that everytime i look at her i see her looking at me.


i will take your advice for purple and pink

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sometimes i have this feeling that the fact that i like her is whats keeping us from talking...she talks perfectly fine with her guy friends...one of which by the way is the cociest creature on earth......what do i say to her....should i once in a while while looking at her in music smile while looking until she looks away?

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You know, she sounds like me. When I am around a guy I like alot, and he's being nice and talking to me on top of it, I get really REALLY flustered. Ok here's a little true story: There was this waiter once, and he was really outgoing and nice and kinda flirty with me. I thought he was gorgeous, but it was so weird, because my dad was always there, and I am so uber shy on top of it. We'd go out to eat at this place and He kinda...gees it sounds self aborbed, but it seemed like he'd fawn over me. Calling me "princess" and all that stuff.


Ok, so here's this beautiful guy, who is the polar oppisite of me. Extorverted and talky...and he's paying me attention. I had NO IDEA what to make of him, and his interactions. thereforeeee, I couldn't look at him, I'd feel my face get so hot, and try as I might I couldn't make myself look at him! I was so embarrassed. I would toy with the idea of leaving something behind, so that I would have an excuse to go back in without my dad, and then I'd toy with the idea of just kissing him full on the mouth!


SO HERE'S MY POINT. Just because she looks down, and gets flustered doesn't mean she doesn't like you. If she's like me, it could mean that oh my gosh she SO does like you. No guarentees, but it could be the case. If she's with her friends or other guys and is interacting like cake...it might mean that she's platonic with them-- no feelings there. But with you...she just might not know what the heck to make of you! My suggestion would be, if it were me... just make small talk, let her warm up slowly, be gentle. Maybe she hasn't ever had a guy pay attention to her like you are, you say she looks at you, well she must be looking for a reason, and if she's not gotten a restraining order on you, then maybe it's good news.

Hope this made a little bit of sense!

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