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On New Years Eve my boyfriend told me he loves me. I couldn't even believe it. We had gone on a walk to get some fresh air. He took me to a nice place away from everything, gave me a big hug and said "There's something I've been wanting to tell you... I love you." I can't really explain how that made me feel. We were both smiling and crying and...everything was different all of a sudden. As if we finally fully understood each other. Like we could finally be as close as possible. It was almost magical...I really wasn't expecting it. I've been asking myself whether or not I do too...and I'm really starting to believe I'm falling in love. I have this feeling...I can't quite explain it. The more I think about it, the stronger it gets. I can't wait to see him again to tell him I love him too.

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Thats awesome. Be sure that you truly do love him before you tell him. Don't say it just because it seems like the right thing to do. My ex told me that she loved me and later admitted that she did not. Actually she still says it to this day even after cheating on me. What hurt me the most was the fact that she was not being completely honest with me. She shouldn't tell me she loves me if she desires to be with someone else.


Anyways, I'm really happy for you! Just examine your heart and make sure that you feel it and aren't just trying to say it back to him "just because". You and he will appreciate it that much more because it will feel great telling him the secrets of your heart.


Here's to you!



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Thank you all for your responses. Yes, it's very special. I feel so lucky.


Don't worry --- I only intend on telling him if I'm absolutely positive. I feel so great about our relationship because I know he wouldn't say it either unless he absolutely meant it. And like striderhiryu81 said, he told me it felt so good to say it.

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