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I like her, I think she likes me, but she's moving away...

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Ok, I'm in a huge predicament. I like this girl, and I think she likes me. I've approached her and we've talked a few times on the phone each time for over an hour. We met at work and everytime we see eachother there, we talk. But I don't know how much she likes me and all. And plus, everytime I ask her out on a date she'll ask me "when?" and then I'll call her but everytime I get a hold of her it's real late at night and she's has to get up early.


But the worse part of it, is that she's probably going to be moving away to go to college for 2 years. And I need to tell her exactly how I feel and see if she is willing to be with me and wait. Because I can wait. She's like my dream girl.


Any advice on how I should approach this? I really need some help.

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I think the best way would be to write her a letter telling her how you feel. That way if/when she does leave she can take it with her and read it whenever and be reminded of you. Plus if you are meant to be to gether..it will happen. I bet you think that is the biggest BS in the world, but i once did to. You just gotta believe. I hope this helps.

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oh, no, I totally believe that if it were meant to be, it will. But that's basically what I'm trying to find out. I mean, we get along perfectly, we can talk about whatever and never have an argument. I mean, she knows how I feel I just don't know to what extent. But I'd rather tell her in person, and ask her how she feels in person, so that she can't procrastonate the subject. I don't mind giving her time to think about it and all but if I wrote her a letter I may never get a reply, if the answer is bad. But I don't know how to ask her without coming straight out with it. I just don't want to make her uncomfortable.

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I think that you should tell her how you feel, but honestly if you are trying to give her an ultamadem (sp?) and asking her to stay and not further her education, that's wrong. If you truley cared about this girl you would want to wait for her and maybe have a long distance relationship. But I think if she forgot about going to college to stay and pursue a realtionship, she would be stupid. Why should she have to arrange her life around you? Why don't you move to where she is going to college? I think that you should tell her how you feel, but I would not suggest that she should stay and not go to college.

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I would NEVER ask that of her. Now, if she had a choice to stay or go and still get her education and she asked me what she should do, I'd ask her to stay but I'd still say that it was her choice. But coming straight out and asking her to stay never crossed my mind. I can do the long distance thing, I mean we're young and two years isn't that long. I did a long distance relationship twice and they both worked out. But after a while both relationships just didn't last. But I know it wasn't because they were long distance. But yeah, I'd wait for her.... Definintely.

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