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Recent BREAK UP !


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Im here to write about the end of my relationship that lasted 14months, We never got to close due to the fact that she lives 1h driving from my city, we had some great moments together, you know how couples are we were dreaming together about being a family in the future, she helped me a lot in a period of my life, it has been 1 month that she was acting strangely with me, until last month she was calling me all the time and I was calling her too, but then she wasnt caring to much about us. We used to see each other once a week maximum, we didnt have our car, and it was and issue too because I had to take my father's car and it wasnt always available to me. we fought about this problem quite often. For me it wouldnt be a frequent problem as it was. for me the way we treat each other that maintains the joy in the relation and fighting wasnt a wise choice and it was becoming a bigger problem than the geografical distance, we were working hard to have improvements in our condition ( have a car ) in order to get the relationship healthier but she was too stressfull to keep the flame of love, she wanted everything now and here in Brazil things take time to happen. Until yesterday I asked her, what is going on ? and she said that she wasnt taking any more, she was tired of that life....we had a conversation and agreed to break up friendly ( Yesterday ), she was saying that she needed time to analyze the situation as whole, she told that she had lost the faith on us and she wanted a space to check if it was real love. Today we shared some messages like " Time will heal everything ", at 18:30 she called me to ask if I was ok and told me that her mobile phone battery was running over. now (23:10)her mobile phone off and Im writing here.


I've got to conclusions so far:


1° She is in love with another guy ( it could happen )


2° She really is confused and avoiding contact by now.



I'm not sure. what do you think ?

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hard to say. . We've all been there, wanting to fill in the blanks. Funny how we have a choice to fill them in with anything and we tend to fill them in with the most painful scenarios.

Long distance relationships are difficult and the challenge is to figure out how to make them work and make them easier. It sounds like things were just getting more difficult and the cost/benefits may not be in your favor.


Whether it's about another guy or not, this has reached an impasse. I am sorry and I can imagine how difficult this time is.


Be patient and good to yourself. Get busy and surround yourself with friends. Time with either tell or time will heal.

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Thanks reinventmyself !


Some minutes after I posted here she switched her mobile phone on and texted me just to say good night and we talked about non important things. This morning when I saw my mobile phone there were 10 messages from her, She was falling apart about her life. this afternoon she called me and was crying on the phone. her lifes is really tough, she needs to look after her daugher and her sick mum and she is also getting crazy about debts. she is in depression ! She really needs help !


I decided to help her, I'll be there to listen and help with Money.


But I'm not sure about being a couple....time will tell.

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