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I am Maried for 9 years and wife doesend want to have sex

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I am in no way qualified to answer this because i am not married but i think she definintly has an issue about somthin. So, you should lovingly talk with her to find out what it is...and fix it. Just remember not to get angry or do anything that would piss her off. I hope this helps.

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I'm not sure what to say? Any reason why she might not be willing to give it up?


Try to wow her a couple of times. Take her out to dinner, buy her presents, but don't make it obvious that you want sex when you get back home.


Do this a few times, and let her make the move.


If after like the 3rd time she doesn't bring it up, ask her "hey, wanna go upstairs?"


Then, if she still says no, maybe seek professional help...


Still, this is the advice from just me, I'm not an expert. Good luck with it though...

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