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Being Mean To Your Boss

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At my job I feel really really unappreciated, and my boss is giving my only 4 hours every two weeks. Sometimes I feel like just writing a nasty letter to her and taking off during my next shift. That would not be nice (or moral) but it would be fun. Has anyone else here been in the same situation? How have you dealt with it? Have you ever sent a nasty resignation letter to your boss?

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Hmmm, not a bad idea, If you dont value your job eboguh to keep it, other then that, I would just be as nice as I can and approach her calmy abotu the situation and tell her your dilemma and ask her politley to give you more hours and treat her employess beter.

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DO NOT DO THAT. It can really affect you the next time you are looking for a job, even when they don't have her as a reference from you, they can track your employment history.


Take your concerns to her about the lack of shifts (maybe she thought that is all you wanted) calmy and maturely. If you cannot be accommodated give her a resignation and find another position.


Don't burn bridges...you may need to use them again in the future.

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I wrote a letter like that before. In fact two or three times.


I suggest u to sit down and think what u truly want to express and then write it.


For me, i wrote a letter about bad management, and bad treatment of staff. I had also wrote letter about people, colleagues. Why not?


When u are writing this letter, what kind of feeling are u going to bring accross? Unhappiness? Unappreciation?? And what kind of feeling they are going to feel, if they seen ur letter?? Anger? hatred? I suggest craving ur words to make them eat it.


For boss who are stingy, i would write, I appreciate ur kindness which have given me to grow me into a selfless person. U are the best model i can find in the company, to learn that from.


For unappreciative boss, u can write.. I have experienced ur kind accommodation in here, and learnt on how to cope with stress with the various amount of work u have given to me. But i believe it would better, if i am not the GOOD OLD (NAME) here.


Haha! Have fun! ..

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Write two letters. First sit down and write everthing you want to say. Be as mean and angry as you want. Just let it come from your heart and get all your emotions out. Look it over. Now, how do you say these things in a calm, polite manner that won't get you fired but still show your concerns? That's how the second letter should sound. Keep the first one and look at it as therapy. Send the second one and/or talk it over with the manager. But be ready with a backup plan and another job. If things are really bad, the job isn't worth it. You want to work someplace where you'll enjoy yourself.

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No matter how angry or upset you feel, you must remain professional! Writing hate mail is not professional. Calmly state that you enjoy working at that place, and you would like more hours. However, if they are unable to accommodate you, you will need to find work at a different place for financial reasons. Remember: your future employers will call up your old boss and ask what kind of worker you are and why you left your last job! It is much better to leave on good terms and have good recommendations.


Happy New Year!

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