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Finally found myself now what!!


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School is coming up in less than a week.. but the time i feel & like myself is @ home or somewhere, anywhere but school! And some of it is just a teen thing of hating school but it has got to the point that i hated/hate myself.. as i am off for x-mas break, i finally feel better about everything.. except school! Monday..

i hate monday! So here is the thing! My parents have seen how in the past years i have come down. down and down.. so they said if i want to i can be home schooled for only the rest of the year! A time i can figure everything out.. get more help.. and become myself again! So i need some advice about homeschool.. and is it is better than being in school.. and if home school has helped any one else.. or just any advice really!!?

Thanks in advance!

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as much as i hate school and loath it everyday, its still alot of fun. with prom and homecoming and like school ganna sux no matter what so u might as well do it with friends and have a good time. im not the best student but justtry to have fun without causing too much trouble.

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To you school may be that way.. but in my life. my school.. things are kinda hard! Yea there are fun things about school but what could be fun for some one isn't fun for me! My friends treat me like i don't exist.. so do the teachears.. my school mostly revolves around preps! And i happen to not want to be like most of the crappy people that go to my school!

I happen to be a quiet, shy person on the outside but want i want to be different then i have been.. be my true self and i need time...

so thanks for the advice... anyone else!!

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be urself all school revolves around preps or jocks but thats just the way it is. dont worry every one hates school every morning in the car isit and wait like 5 minutes telling myself i dont wanna go and my friend has to make me get out. bring like cards and make urself notices. not best advise but kinda act like an idiot and u will start having fun. talk more to ppl and dont be scared of them being like im too good for dont talk to me just start taling to ppl

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My advice to you is to make a lists. First, make a list of the problems you have with your current school. See if those problems are fixable. If you find that you have some big problems that are stuck, you may want to consider homeschooling. I would then list out the pro's of homeschooling and the con's of homeschooling and see how your list weighs.


This is just what I would do....


Good luck to you!

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by homeschooling, does that mean your parents would hire tutors...or your mom would try to teach you herself?


Most homeschooling, if done, is during the primary years (k-8th). High school becomes complicated as it is the springboard to higher education.


If you have any plans on making something of yourself by getting a college degree, you need to think twice about getting into homeschooling during HS.


Many colleges do not accept it as a true form of education unless your parents can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt with highly detailed records and tests (and you still will have to take all the state tests) that you truly received a well rounded education like those who were in accredited high schools.


The transition from middle school to high school is tough, there is no getting around that...you go from top dog of a school to bottom rung and some kids do have a hard time adjusting...


you are stil growing as a person, and just because you are the moody keep to yourself type right now, you are only just starting to become "of age" and growing into your body in both physical and mental ways...


I seriously suggest you stick it out...

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I agree with Inconceivable. You need to do what is best for you. Going to school won't be helpful to you if it just makes you miserable. Think of all the pros and cons about homeschooling and regular schooling and do what you think is best for you.


The one downside I see to homeschool is the lack of social interaction, but if your shy and don't get along with the people at your school that might not be a problem. If you need the time to find yourself and get comfortable with who you are, I say go for it. But eventually you will need to interact with these other kids. Dealing with people, no matter how shallow they may seem, is part of life. And trust be, you will encounter alot of people who don't cae for very much.


I was just like you when I was that age. I really disliked 9th grade. I didn't know anybody, was really shy, and didn't have anything in common with anyone. I struggled through that year. But when I started 10th grade I found a teacher I really liked and meet the person who is my best friend to this very day. Things may be hard now, but they will get better. You'll find someone that you can relate too and you can help each other out, help each other find themselves. Don't get discouraged. Follow your heart and do what is right for you.

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